The paintings in our Micromineral Art Gallery are all the works of Dr. David Babulski. All of the paintings are executed in transparent watercolor, acrylic gouache and colored pencil. Mineral specimens for the paintings are all micromounts from the personal collection of Dr. Babulski. All the paintings are done from the microscope at a magnification of 20X to 75X. A Motic K400 stereo microscope fitted with a Camera Lucida and some custom made components is the primary optical tool used in creating the paintings.
The Arranged Stones series came from a chance encounter with a few attractive stones that I picked up along a walk. I immediately decided not to paint the rocks in their natural environment, but instead wanted to show them against a spare, interior setting. I wanted the subject of the painting to be nothing more or less than the rocks themselves: rocks as still life subjects that I compose and then transform into an interesting painting. I chose also to use watercolor to depict the rocks, in order to show and emphasize their bright, often translucent natural beauty.
Mineralogical Record Museum of Art
A collection of various mineral and mining artists through out history. High quality, full color images are divided up by mineral or mining and then by artist. The most complete pictorial reference of mineral art on the internet. Highlights include art by Wendell Wilson, John Sinkankas, James Sowerby, and Rose Ann Fox.
Natures Finest Creations – Art of Frederick Wilda
The paintings in our Mineral Art Gallery are all the work of Frederick Wilda. All of the paintings are water color based mixed media. Specimens or combinations of specimens are used to illustrate each painting. The objective is to capture the beauty of each mineral. Some of the originals have been sold and are in collections throughout the United States. All originals are professionally framed.
Realistic Mineral Specimen paintings by commercial mineral artist, Brandy Naugle.
Gamini Ratnavira was born and raised in tropical Sri Lanka. As a self-taught artist he uses his photographic memory and life experiences to produce vibrant, colorful images of the rain forest flora and fauna, which are complimented with intriguing stories and research information about each painting. His paintings reveal his love for art coupled with an unrestrained, lifelong reverence for nature and animals.
Stereoviews (stereophotographs) of various objects, including minerals, by stereograph artist, Terry Wilson.
Rock & Mineral Art