National Organizations: USA
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS) is a non-profit educational federation of seven similar regional organizations of gem, mineral and lapidary socities. Founded in 1947. Features information on club web sites, club shows, collecting sites and so forth.
Mineralogical Society of America
The MSA was founded in 1919 for the advancement of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, petrology, and promotion of their uses in other sciences, industry, and the arts. It encourages fundamental research about natural materials; supports the teaching of mineralogical concepts and procedures; and attempts to raise the scientific literacy of society with respect to issues involving mineralogy in the widest sense. The Society encourages the preservation of mineral collections, displays, mineral localities, type minerals and scientific data. MSA represents the United States internationally with regard to the science of mineralogy.
To accomplish its goals, the Society publishes journals, magazines, and books, as well as uses short courses, lectureships, Internet website, awards, grants, symposia, and meetings for professionals, students, and the public. MSA depends on the involvement of all individuals who are concerned with the health and direction of the field of mineralogy. The society cooperates with other scientific and organizations, and continually explores and adopts new programs and policies to better serve its members.
Friends of Mineralogy
Dedicated to the advancement of serious interest in minerals and related activities. The Friends of Mineralogy (FM), formed at Tucson, Arizona on February 13, 1970, operates on a national level and also through regional chapters. It is open to membership by all. FM\’s objectives are to promote, support, protect and expand the collection of mineral specimens and to further the recognition of the scientific, economic and aesthetic value of minerals and collecting mineral specimens.
American Geosciences Institute
The American Geosciences Institute is a nonprofit federation of geoscientific and professional associations that represents more than 250,000 geologists, geophysicists, and other earth scientists.
United States Geological Survey
The USGS is a science organization that provides impartial information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, the natural hazards that threaten us, the natural resources we rely on, the impacts of climate and land-use change, and the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and useable information.
Regional Federations
California Federation of Mineralogical Societies Website
The CFMS includes approximately 110 clubs and societies mostly in California.
Newsletter – CFMS Newsletters in PDF
Eastern Federation of Mineralogical and Lapidary Societies
EFMLS Website
Beginning with three \”founding\” clubs and seven \”charter\” clubs, the EFMLS has now grown to approximately 150 affiliated clubs and societies with a combined membership of well over 10,000 individuals.
Newsletter – EFMLS Newsletters in PDF
MidWest Federation of Mineralogical Societies
MWF Website
The Midwest Federation consists of 119 clubs in 12 different states and has an adult membership of 6,865.
Newsletter – MWF Newsletters in PDF
NorthWest Federation of Mineralogical Societies
NWMS Website
Beginning with seven \”founding\” clubs and seven \”charter\” clubs, the NFMS has now grown to approximately 70 affiliated clubs and societies with a combined membership of well over 5,000 individuals
Newsletter – NWFS Newsletters in PDF
Rocky Mountain Federation of Mineralogical Societies
RMFMS Website
Member Clubs are located in Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.
Newsletter – RMFMS Newsletters in PDF
South Central Federation of Mineralogical Societies
SCFMS Website
Over 40 clubs in the Texas-Louisiana-Arkansas area.
Annual Show – Check Website for more Info
Newsletter – Visit Website for more Info
SouthEast Federation of Mineralogical Societies
SFMS Website
The Southeast Federation includes approximately 80+ clubs and societies mostly in the region east of the Mississippi River and South of a line following the northern boarders of Tennessee and North Carolina.
United States Clubs & Organizations (alphabetical)
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Alabama
Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society – Birmingham, Alabama
The Alabama Mineral and Lapidary Society, is a non-profit organization for the people interested in geology, mineralogy paleontology, and the lapidary arts.
The society holds regular meetings on the second Friday of each month (except June) at 6:30 P.M. Meetings are currently held in the meeting rooms of the Vestivia Hills Library and usually last an hour and a half.Annual Show – Around the begining of June
Newsletter – Rockhound Roundup
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday of each month @ 6:30pm
Dothan Gem & Mineral Society – Dothan, Alabama
Club meetings include food, fellowship, and fun. The group watches educational programs about the formation of various gems and mineral deposits, how and where to best hunt for particular gems and minerals, and how to clean, cut, polish and display your finds. We learn to make jewelry and many different kinds of decorative art. Members bring their latest finds as meetings always include show and tell.
The group meetings are held at 2 PM, the 4th Sun of each month (except June, July & August). The group meets at the Fellowship Hall of Tabernacle United Methodist Church. 4329 W. Brannon Stand Road & Hwy 52 W., Taylor AL.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – Rockhounds Herald
Monthly Meetings – 4th Sun. at 2:00 pm
Huntsville Gem and Mineral Society – Huntsville, Alabama
The Huntsville Gem and Mineral Society was founded in 1966 in Huntsville, Alabama. The Huntsville Gem & Mineral Society is a non-profit educational organization for people interested in mineralogy, geology, paleontology, and related lapidary arts.
The Huntsville Gem and Mineral Society meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Madison County Senior Center, 2200 Drake Ave, Huntsville, AL
You can find all information on our show and newsletter on our – Website
Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm
East Alabama Gem and Mineral Society – Opelika, Alabama
Meetings are held at the Opelika Community Recreation Center; Opelika, AL 36804Newsletter – Boulder Bouncer – no online copy available
Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm
Mobile Rock and Gem Society – Mobile, Alabama
The typical agenda for a meeting begins with a program. After that there is \”show and tell\” before old business (like officer and committee reports), then on to new business (like introducing new members and guests, miscellaneous business items, upcoming events and field trips, etc.).. The program usually includes a lecture (by a member or guest speaker), a demonstration of some sort, a video or a workshop.
Since the presentation will vary greatly, some will include only a few of these components and some will involve a little of everything! After the program ends, the meeting is adjourned and we have refreshments and socializing. At this time everyone has the opportunity to ask questions, tell stories, discuss upcoming events or possible activities and make new friends. They are a non-profit organization 501 c(3).Annual Show – Thanksgiving Weekend
Newsletter – Cabber Gabber
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.
Montgomery Gem & Mineral Society – Montgomery, Alabama
We are a lapidary arts, paleontology, geology, gemology, rockhounding, and jewelry making club.
Meetings of the Montgomery Gem & Mineral Society are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Mureal Crump Community Center, 1751 Congressman Dickinson Dr, Montgomery, AL.Annual Show – End of November
Newsletter – Rockhound Roundup
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Alaska
Chugach Gem and Mineral Society – Anchorage, Alaska
The Chugach Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. is for individuals and families interested in mineral collecting and lapidary. The Chugach Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. maintains memberships in the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies and the Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies.
Meetings held at First United Methodist Church 725 West 9th Avenue Anchorage Use the rear entrance – bring a rock!Annual Show – Middle of November
Newsletter – Alaska Pebble Patter
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m
Mat-Su Rock and Mineral Club – Palmer, Alaska
Meet other dedicated rock hounds to share good stories and good food; our meetings are potluck
Meetings held at American Legion, Outer Springer Loop, Palmer, AKAnnual Show – Middle of November
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday each month at 7:00 p.m
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Arizona
Apache Junction Rock & Gem Club – Apache Junction, Arizona
We are a busy club offering field trips and two (2) social events during the winter season from October thru April in Apache Junction, AZ.
We hold meetings at 6:30pm our Clubhouse-Shop (2151 West Superstition Blvd in Apache Junction 85120).
Annual Show – February 20-21 2016 at Skyline High School
Annual Show – November 19-20 at Apache Junction High School
Newsletter – Smoke Signals
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday of each Month September through May
Arizona City Gem and Mineral Society – Arizona City, Arizona
Meets at Senior Center Casa Grande AZ.Monthly Meetings – Last Thursday of each month time.
Black Canyon City Rock Club – Black Canyon City, Arizona
If your are interested in Rocks, Minerals, Gems, Mines, Geology, WireWrap, Field Trips, Gold Prospecting and other related physical sciences, join the Black Canyon City Rock Club. Membership is free to all! Anthem, Cleater, Desert Hills, New River, Phoenix, Pioneer, and Camp Verde people are welcome.Monthly Meetings – every third Thursday of the month at 5:00 to 7:00pm at the Black Canyon City Library.
Silvery Coloroado River Rock Club – Bullhead City, Arizona
Meetings of the Silvery Coloroado River Rock Club are held at the Shriner\’s Club 2580 Miracle Mile Bullhead city, AZAnnual Show – Mid February
Monthly Meetings – Meets First Thursday of each month (October through June)at 6:00pm.
Mingus Gem and Mineral Club – Cottonwood, Arizona
The Mingus Gem & Mineral Club provides a forum for its members to practice gem/mineral/rock collecting, and lapidary of all kinds in a fun, congenial atmosphere.Since the presentation will vary greatly, some will include only a few of these components and some will involve a little of everything! After the program ends, the meeting is adjourned and we have refreshments and socializing. At this time everyone has the opportunity to ask questions, tell stories, discuss upcoming events or possible activities and make new friends.
Annual Show – Around the begining of March
Monthly Meetings – The Club meets the first Thursday of each month, except July and August at 5:30
Verde River Rockhounds, Inc – Cottonwood, Arizona
Meets at the american legion every 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm, except July and August.
Flagstaff Gem & Mineral Society – Flagstaff, Arizona
the Flagstaff Gem & Mineral Society located in beautiful and picturesque Flagstaff, Arizona. We are a very active club with over 50 members
The Flagstaff Gem & Mineral Society meets each month at the Fort Tuthill Fairgrounds Rock Pavillion
Annual Show – In October
Monthly Meetings – first Thursday, 7 p.m.
Coconino Lapidary Club – Flagstaff, Arizona
The Coconino Lapidary Club meets the 4th Thursday of each month at the Koch Field Road Fire Station
Monthly Meetings – 7 pm, 4th Thursday of each month
Mohave County Gemstoners – Kingman, Arizona
Our site was established in 2008 and since then we have avidly followed our Code of Ethics. On top of that we provide up-to-date information on the other clubs events via our newsletter.Annual Show – In May
Newsletter – Little Gems
Monthly Meetings – 4th Monday of each month at 6:30 pm
Lake Havasu Gem & Mineral Society – Lake Havasu, Arizona
The Lake Havasu Gem & Mineral Society of Lake Havasu City, Arizona is a non-profit organization, dedicated to educating our members and the community about gems, minerals, and fossils.
Meetings are held at the: Mount Olive Lutheran Church Parish Center 2170 Havasupai Blvd. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403Annual Show – November
Newsletter – Rocky Tales
Monthly Meetings – second Friday of the month, excluding June, July, and August @ 7:00pm
Gila County Gem and Mineral Society – Miami, Arizona
Located in the very heart of \”Copper Country\” in the town of Miami, Arizona, the Gila County Gem and Mineral Society was founded in 1956 by a small group of individuals who shared a love for rocks and minerals.The Globe-Miami area of Arizona is rich in mining history and continues to be a major source of copper, gold, silver and other mineralogical treasures such as turquoise, azurite, chrysocolla and many other rocks and minerals.
Meetings of the Gila County Gem and Mineral Society are held at the G.C.G.M.S.I. Club House, Live Oak St.Annual Show – End of January
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month club meeting 7:00 pm rest of the Thursdays are shop nights
Prescott Gem & Mineral Club – Prescott Valley, Arizona
At our monthly meetings, we have lectures, slide shows and videos on a variety of subjects of interest to members by outstanding guest speakers. Our club of over 200 members, ranging in age between 4 and 70 plus years young, are from the Quad-city and surrounding areas.
Meetings of the Prescott Gem & Mineral Club are held at the Moose Lodge 6501 East 6th Street Prescott Valley, AZ 86314Annual Show – Beginning of August
Newsletter – Rockhound Roundup
Monthly Meetings – First Saturday of each month at 9:30 A.M.
Payson Rimstones Rock Club – Payson, Arizona
Meetings of the Payson Rimstones Rock Club are held at the Payson Public LibraryAnnual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday of each month/ 2:30PM – 5:00PM
Mineralogical Society of Arizona – Phoenix, Arizona
To promote popular interest in the various Earth Sciences, and particularly the fields of Geology, Lapidary, Mineralogy, Paleontology and related subjects.
Meetings of the Mineralogical Society of Arizona are held at the Church of the Beatitudes 555 W. Glendale Ave., Phoenix, AZ, 85021Newsletter – Rockhound Record
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of Month
Sunsites Gem & Mineral Club – Pearce, Arizona
We are a lapidary arts, paleontology, geology, gemology, rockhounding, and jewelry making club.
Meetings of the Sunsites Gem & Mineral Club are held at the Sunsites Senior Center.Newsletter – Rockhound Roundup
Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month Sept thru May 7:00pm
Quartzite Gem & Mineral Club – Quartzite, Arizona
The Quartzsite Roadrunner Gem & Mineral Club (QRGMC) is a premier gem and mineral club in the US. We are perhaps the largest club in both membership and in the availablility of equipment for learning all about the various methods of turning rocks and gemstones into jewelry. Our location in Quartzsite Arizona gives us access to some of the best rock hounding territory in the country.Monthly Meetings – Weekly on Thursday , 2:00 pm at the Quartzsite Improvement Association Meeting Hall
Sedona Gem & Mineral Club – Sedona, Arizona
club activities include exciting monthly field trips for many different rocks, fossils, and minerals, and a spectacular annual rock show held every October with a wide selection of vendors and materials to choose from, plus games for kids and and fantastic raffle prizes to boot!
The Sedona Gem & Mineral Club meets at the Sedona Library off of Dry Creek Road in West Sedona.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Red Rocking News
Monthly Meetings – hird Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM
White Mountain Gem & Mineral Club – Show Low, Arizona
White Mountain Gem and Mineral Club meets at the VFW Hall 381 N Central Ave Show Low, AZ.Annual Show – Around the begining of June
Newsletter – Rock Talk
Monthly Meetings – 1st (2nd if 1st a holiday) Sunday of each Month at 1:00pm
Huachuca Mineral & Gem Club – Sierra Vista, Arizona
Meetings are held at Cochise Community College 901 N. Colombo Ave Horace Steele Conference RoomAnnual Show – October
Newsletter – Huachuca Mineral Club Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – third Wednesday of each month, except July & December at 7:00pm
Sun Lakes Rock Gem & Silver Club – Sun Lakes, Arizona
We are a rockhounding and jewelry making club based in sun lakes, Arizona
Meetings of the Sun Lakes Rock and Gem Club are held at the Navajo Room Sun Lakes Phase IMonthly Meetings – 3rd Monday of each month(October – April)
Rockhounds West – Sun City West, Arizona
Rockhounds West will have a new website up soon, at which point, will be happy to provide you with more information!
Meetings of the Rockshounds West Club meet at the Lecture Hall, RH Johnson Rec Center, Sun City West, AZMonthly Meetings – 9 AM Second Monday, October through April
Old Pueblo Lapidary Club – Tucson, Arizona
The Old Pueblo Lapidary Club serves its members with extensive club owned facilities, shops, equipment, classes, meetings, programs, library, field trips and the club\’s newsletter, Cutting Remarks.Newsletter – Cutting Remarks
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Saturday of each month at 9:00 am
Tucson Gem and Mineral Society – Tucson, Arizona
Our Purpose is to encourage interest and study in geology, mineralogy, lapidary, and allied earth sciences. The Tucson Gem and Mineral Society, Inc. is a non-profit organization, founded in 1946 by a small group interested in the hobbies of mineral collecting and lapidary. In 1988 we were awarded the 1st Carnegie Mineralogical Award for creating a venue to promote, inform, and educate the mineral community.
Annual Show – Mid February
Monthly Meetings – Society meetings start at 7:30 p.m. They are usually held the first Monday of the month, except February (Monday the week of the annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show™), June through August (potlucks), and September (second Monday due to the Labor Day Holiday)/a>
Wickenburg Gem and Mineral Society – Wickenburg, Arizona
We are a lapidary arts, paleontology, geology, gemology, rockhounding, and jewelry making club.
Meetings of the Wickenburg Gem and Mineral Society meets at Coffinger Park Building in Wickenburg, ArizonaMonthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month except July thru Sept 6:30pm
Country Roads Gem and Mineral Club – Yuma, Arizona
Meetings of the Country Roads Gem and Mineral Club are held at the Lapidary Shop 5707 E 32nd St. #1094Monthly Meetings – Second Wed. of each month Nov thur April 7:00pm
Yuma Gem and Mineral Society – Yuma, Arizona
We are a lapidary arts, paleontology, geology, gemology, rockhounding, and jewelry making club.
Meetings of the Yuma Gem and Mineral Society meet at the Community Christian Church, 6480 HiWay 95Monthly Meetings – 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. No meetings during summer months
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Arkansas
Spring River Gem & Mineral Club – Hardy, Arkansas
Meetings held at Omaha Center, Hwy 175 , Cherokee Village, Arkansas 72529Monthly Meetings – at 10 AM, 1st Thurs of each month, March to December
Central Arkansas Gem, Mineral & Geology Society – Little Rock, Arkansas
Meet other dedicated rock hounds to share good stories and good food; our meetings are potluck
Meetings held at American Legion, Outer Springer Loop, Palmer, AKAnnual Show – October
Newsletter – SCRIBE
Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday of the month (January-November) Time 6:30 P.M.
Hot Springs Geology Club – Hot Springs, Arkansas
Meetings held at Arkansa School for Mathmatics and Science 200 WhittingtonMonthly Meetings – Fourth Thursday of each month except June thur Aug. and Dec. 7:00 pm
Ozark Earth Science Club – Mountain Home, Arkansas
Meet other dedicated rock hounds to share stories and rocks!
Meetings held at Farm Bureau Building 1424 Highway 62 West Mountain HomeAnnual Show – End of August
Newsletter – Ozark Earth Science Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday each month at 7:00pm
Northwest Arkansas Gem & Mineral Society – Siloam Springs, Arkansas
NWAGMS invites everyone to come to one of our monthly meetings. We are a friendly group of people that enjoy sharing our common interests in rocks, minerals, fossils and the lapidary arts.
Meetings held at our club house located at the intersection of Hwy 43 North and Lawlis Road in Siloam Springs.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – Rock, Pick and Chisel
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tueday of each month 7:30 pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of California
Amador County Gem & Mineral Society – Sutter Creek, California
Meetings held at the Clubhouse – Sutter Creek ( behind old Sutter Creek Grammar School, 5 Broad St., Sutter Creek CAMonthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. (program) 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. (board)
Atelope Valley Gem and Mineral Club – Lancaster, California
Meetings held at the Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, 42521 N 20th St. W, Lancaster, CAAnnual Show – April
Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
American Opal Society, Inc. – Garden Grove, California
Meetings held at the Our Shepherd Lutheran Church, 42521 N 20th St. W, Lancaster, CAAnnual Show – November
Newsletter – The Opal Express
Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
Bakersfield Mineral Mites – Bakersfield, California
East Bakersfield Veterans Hall, Bakersfield, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Friday
Bay Area Searchers – San Bruno, California
Meetings held at the First Baptist Church, 1005 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Borrego Rock and Gem Club – Borrengo Springs, California
Meetings held at the ABDNHA Center, 652 Palm Canyon Dr., Borrego Springs, CAMonthly Meetings – Last Saturday, 10:00 a.m. (except Jul, Aug, Sep)
Calaveras Gem & Mineral Society – Angles Camp, California
Meetings held at the Clubhouse, 2500 Mecham Ranch Rd., Angels Camp, CAAnnual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Sunday, 11 potluck; 12 mtg (except Jul and Aug)
Carmel Valley Gem & Mineral Society – Pacific Grove, California
Meetings held at the Pacific Grove Museum Nat. History, 165 Forest Ave. Pacific Grove, CAAnnual Show – September
Newsletter – The Prospector
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday, 7 p.m.
Coalinga Rockhound Society – Coalinga, California
Meetings held at the 438 San Madele St, Coalinga, CAMonthly Meetings – 1st Monday – Jan, Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec – 7:00 p.m.
Conejo Gem & Mineral Club – Thousand Oaks, California
Meetings held at the Hillcrest Arts Center, 403 Hillcrest Dr., Thousand Oaks, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. (except Dec)
Contra Costa Mineral & Gem Society – Concord, California
Meetings held at the Centre Concord, 5298 Clayton Rd (near Ygnacio Valley Rd), Concord, CAAnnual Show – November
Newsletter – Diablo Diggin\’s
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. (3rd Monday in June)
Culver City Rock & Mineral Club – Culver City, California
Meetings held at the Veterans Memorial Complex, 4117 Overland Ave, Culver City, CAAnnual Show – End of June
Newsletter – The Nugget
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m.
Del Air Rockhounds Club – Northridge, California
Meetings held at the United Methodist Church, 9650 Reseda Blvd, Northridge, CAMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Delvers Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. – Bellflower, California
Meetings held at the Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church, 14515 Blaine Ave., Bellflower, CA 90606Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday, 7:30 p.m.
DEl Cajon Valley Gem & Mineral Society – El Cajon, California
Meetings held at the Heritage of the Americas Museum, 1 2110 Cuyamaca College Drive West, El Cajon, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Friday, 7:00 p.m.
El Dorado County Mineral & Gem Society – Diamond Springs, California
Meetings held at the Mother Lode Lions Hall, 4701 Missouri Flat Road at Pleasant Valley Rd/Hwy 49, Diamond Springs, CAAnnual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
Faceters Guild of Southern California – Anaheim, California
Meetings held at the St. Mark\’s United Methodist, 3700 W. Orange Ave., Anaheim, CAAnnual Show – April
Newsletter – Rock, Pick and Chisel
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
Fallbrook Gem & Mineral Society. Inc. – Fallbrook, California
Meetings held at the 123 W. Alvarado St., Suite B, Fallbrook, CANewsletter – The Lithosphere
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m., except February meeting is on 3rd Thursday. No meeting in July
Feather River Lapidary & Mineral Club – Oroville, California
Meetings held at the Oroville Library Meeting Room.Annual Show – ?
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday at 7pm
First Class Miners – Yucca Valley, California
Meetings held at locations you will find out about after you join the club.Monthly Meetings – Every other month (July, Sept, Nov, Jan, March, May)
Fossils for Fun – Fair Oaks, California
Meetings held at the Woman\’s Thursday Club of Fair Oaks, 10625 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.(except July & Aug)
Fresno Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. – Fresno, California
Meetings held at the 340 W. Olive, Fresno, CAAnnual Show – Check Website
Newsletter – Chips
Monthly Meetings – 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Friends of Mineralogy – So. CA Chapter – STATEWIDE California
Meetings held at the Various museums, no regular schedule. Two symposiums a year, if you are into minerals in a scientific way, this is the group to join.Monthly Meetings – No regular schedule.
Glendora Gems – Glendora, California
Meetings held at the \”The Tower\” 1425 E. Holt, Pomona, CAMonthly Meetings – Tuesdays, 5 – 9 p.m.
High Desert Gold Diggers – Apple Valley, California
Meetings held at the Hansen Hall, Church of the Valley, 14933 Wakita Rd., Apple Valley, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
Hi-Desert Rockhounds of Morongo Valley – Yucca Valley, California
Meetings held at the St. Joseph Church 56312 Onaga Tr. Yucca Valley, CAMonthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday
Indian Wells Gem & Mineral Society – Ridgecrest, California
Meetings held at the 527 W. Upjohn Ave., Ridgecrest, CAAnnual Show – November
Newsletter – Indian Wells Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. (except July, Aug., Dec.)
Kern County Mineral Society – Bakersfield, California
Meetings held at the Kern County Veterans Hall, Corner Mt. Vernon & Ridge, Bakersfield, CAAnnual Show – May
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Lake County Rockhounds – Clearlake, California
Meetings held at the Redbud Library, 14785 Burns Valley Rd., Clearlake, CAMonthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday, 6:00 p.m.
Lake Elsinore Gem & Mineral Society – Lake Elsinore, California
Meetings held at the Lakeland Village Mid Sch, muti-purpose room, 18730 Gramd Ave. LEMonthly Meetings – 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m. (except July and August)
Lemoore Gem & Mineral Club – Lemoore, California
Meetings held at the Veterans Hall, 411 D Street, Lemoore, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday 7:00 p.m.
Livermore Valley Lithophiles – Livermoore, California
Meetings held at the Veterans Hall, 411 D Street, Livermoore, CANewsletter – Livermore Lithogram
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. (except July & August)
Lodi Gem & Mineral Society – Lodi, California
Meetings held at the Quonset Hut, 320 N. Stockton Street, Lodi, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Wednesday (except June, July & Aug) 7:30 p.m.
Lone Pine Gem & Mineral Society – Lone Pine, California
Meetings held at the Lone Pine Lions ClubAnnual Show – May
Newsletter – Lone Pine Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Long Beach Mineral & Gem Society – Long Beach, California
Meetings held at the Senior Citizen Center, Room 207, 1150 E. 4th St., Long Beach, CANewsletter – Pick and Shovel
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.(except Dec.)
Mariposa Gem & Mineral Club – Mariposa, California
Meetings held at the California State Mining and Mineral Museum, Mariposa, CAAnnual Show – April
Newsletter – The Matrix
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Mendocino Coast Gem & Mineral Society – Fort Bragg, California
Meetings held at the Simpson Lane Clubhouse, 17300 Franklin Rd., Fort Bragg, CAMonthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, potluck 600 p.m., meeting 7:00 p.m.
Mineral & Gem Society of Castro Valley – Hayward, California
Meetings held at the Mt. Eden Presbyterian Church, 26236 Adrian Ave., Hayward, CAAnnual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. (Except July and August)
Mineralogical Society of Southern California – Pasadena, California
Meetings held at the Geology Department, E-Building, Room E-200, Pasadena City College, 1570 E.Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CANewsletter – MSSC Bulletin
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday (except Jan, Feb, and Aug) at 7:30 p.m.
Mojave Desert Gem & Mineral Society – Barstow, California
Meetings held at the 26547 W. Main St., Barstow, CA (Lenwood)Annual Show – December
Newsletter – Desert Diggins
Monthly Meetings – 1st Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Mojave Mineralogical Society – Boron, California
Meetings held at the Twenty Mule Team Museum, Boron, CAMonthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Monrovia Rockhounds, Inc. – Monrovia, California
Meetings held at the United Methodist Church of Monrovia, 140 E. Palm Ave., Monrovia, CA (west door downstairs)Annual Show – March
Newsletter – MOROKS Bulletin
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Monterey Park Gem Society – Monterey Park, California
Meetings held at the Langley Senior Center, 400 W. Emerson Ave., Monterey Park, CAMonthly Meetings – 3rd Saturday, 7:00 p.m.
Mother Lode Mineral Society – Modesto, California
Meetings held at the Empire Community Center, Empire, CAAnnual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – 1st Sunday, 2:30 p.m. (except July & Aug), jr. rockhounds meeting at 12:45
Napa Valley Rock & Gem Club – Napa, California
Meetings held at the Senior Center, 1500 Jefferson St., Napa, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. (except July & August)
Needles Gem & Mineral Club – Mohave Valley, California
Meetings held at the First Southern Baptist Church, 1421 E. Commercial Street Mohave Valley, AZ 86440Monthly Meetings – 3rd Monday, 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)
Nevada County Gem & Mineral Society – Grass Valley, California
Meetings held at the Golden Empire Grange, 11363 Grange Ct. Grass Valley, CAAnnual Show – October
Newsletter – Rock Writings
Monthly Meetings – 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.(except in July when we have our picnic)
Northern California Geological Society – Orinda, California
Meetings held at the Orinda Masonic Center, 9 Altarinda Rd., Orinda, CAMonthly Meetings – Last Wed. of month, 6:30 pm (except Dec., Jul. & Aug.)
Northern California Mineralogical Association – El Dorado, California
Meetings held at the El Dorado Community Center, El Dorado, CAMonthly Meetings – 3rd weekend in May (Friday 7 pm – Sunday noon)
North Orange County Gem & Mineral Society – La Habra, California
Meetings held at the La Habra Community Center, 101 W. La Habra Blvd., La Habra, CAAnnual Show – June
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. (except July & August)
Orange Belt Mineralogical Society – San Bernardino, California
Meetings held at the * Visit Workshop for meeting information * 205 W. Benedict #8, San Bernardino, CA 92408
(909) 381-0089 (workshop)
Orcutt Mineral Society – Santa Maria, California
Meetings held at the Luis Oasis Senior Ctr., 420 Soares Ave., Orcutt, CAAnnual Show – August
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. (except June, Dec)
Oxnard Gem & Mineral Society – Oxnard, California
Meetings held at the Oxnard Performing Arts Center, Thousand Oaks Room, 800 Hobson Way, Oxnard, CAAnnual Show – November
Newsletter – The Rock Bag
Monthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. (except holidays)
Palmdale Gem & Mineral Club – Palmdale, California
Meetings held at the Palmdale Cultural Center, 38350 N. Sierra Hwy,, Palmdale, CAAnnual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – last Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Palomar Gem & Mineral Club – Escondido, California
Meetings held at the Redwood Terrace, 710 W 13th Ave, Escondido, CANewsletter – Palomar Gem
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. (except Aug.)
Palos Verdes Gem & Mineral Society – Rolling Hills Estates, California
Meetings held at the Palos Verdes Main Library, 701 Deep Valley Drive, Rolling Hills Estates, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. (except Aug. & Dec.)
Paradise Gem & Mineral Club – Paradise, California
Meetings held at the Rec. Dept., Terry Ashley Hall, 6626 Skyway, Paradise, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday (activities) — 4th Thursday, 6:45 p.m. (pot luck)
Pasadena Lapidary Society – Pasadena, California
Meetings held at the Donald R. Wright Auditorium at the Pasadena Central Library 285 E. Walnut Street
Monthly meetings – 6:30 PM on the Third Tuesday each Month, except December (same location)
Peninsula Gem & Geology Society – Los Altos, California
Meetings held at the Garden House, Shoup Park, 400 University Ave., Los Altos, CAAnnual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – 4th Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. (except July and August)
Rockatomics Gem & Mineral Society – Woodland Hills, California
Meetings held at the Pierce College, 6201 Winnetka, Woodland Hills,or Pratt & Whitney Employees Rec. Center, West Hills, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Monday of each month, 6:00 p.m.
Roseville Rock Rollers – Roseville, California
Meetings held at the Placer Co. Fairgrounds, Garden Room, 800 All American City Blvd., Roseville, CAAnnual Show – March
Newsletter – Roseville Rock Rollers
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
Sacramento Mineral Society – Sacramento, California
Meetings held at the 5467 Ballantine Street, #6, Sacramento, CAAnnual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Sacramento Valley Detecting Buffs – Sacramento, California
Meetings held at the 5026 Don Julio Blvd., North County Corps Yard, N. HighlandsMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Salinas Valley Rock and Gem Club – Salinas, California
Meetings held at Cal Hawaiian Mobile Home Park, 20 Russell Rd.Monthly Meetings – 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.
San Diego Mineral & Gem Society, Inc. – San Diego, California
SDMG Bldg., 1700 Village Place, Balboa Park, San Diego, CAAnnual Show – November
Newsletter – The Pegmatite
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday, 7:00 p.m.
San Francisco Gem & Mineral Society – San Francisco, California
Meetings held at Clubhouse, 4134 Judah St.Annual Show – August
Newsletter – Mineralog
Monthly Meetings – 1st Friday, 8 p.m.
San Gorgonio Mineral & Gem Society- Beaumont, California
Meetings held at 1166 Beaumont Avenue, Beaumont, CAMonthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 6 p.m. potluck 7 p.m. meeting
San Joaquin Valley Lapidary Society – Bakersfield, California
Meetings held at 2Rancho Rio Stables, Bakersfield, CAMonthly Meetings – 2nd Wedesday, 6:30 p.m.
San Luis Obispo Gem & Mineral Club – San Luis Obispo, California
Meetings held at SLO Senior Center, 1455 Santa Rosa St.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
Santa Ana Rock & Mineral Club – Santa Ana, California
Meetings held at 10739 Los Jardines West, Fountain ValleyAnnual Show – April
Newsletter – Chips and Splinters
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
Santa Clara Valley Gem & Mineral Society – Santa Clara Valley, California
Meetings held at Belwood Gardens, 100 Belwood Gateway, Los Gatos, CA in the Cabana Club roomAnnual Show – April
Newsletter – Breccia
Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday, 7:45 p.m.
Santa Cruz Mineral & Gem Society – Santa Cruz, California
Meetings held at Live Oak Grange Hall, 1900 17th Ave.Annual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
Santa Lucia Rockhounds – Paso Robles, California
Meetings held at Pioneer Museum, 2010 Riverside AveAnnual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m.
Santa Rosa Mineral & Gem Society – Santa Rosa, California
Meetings held at Workshop at 5690C Old Redwood HwyAnnual Show – September
Newsletter – Gem-N-i
Monthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Scott Valley Gem & Mineral Society – Fort Jones, California
Meetings held at Fort Jones Community CenterMonthly Meetings – 2nd Saturday each month, 10:00 a.m.
Searchers Gem & Mineral Society – Anaheim, California
Meetings held at 5261 E Lomita Ave., Orange, CAAnnual Show – May
Newsletter – Rockslab News
Monthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.
Searles Lake Gem & Mineral Society – Trona, California
Meetings held at 13337 Main St.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Sequoia Gem & Mineral Society – Redwood City, California
Meetings held at Community Activities Bldg, 1400 Roosevelt Ave.Annual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Monday 7:00 p.m.
Shadow Mountain Gem & Mineral Society – Palm Springs, California
Meetings held at United Methodist Church 1555 E. Alejo Rd.,Monthly Meetings – 1st Friday
Shasta Gem & Mineral Society – Redding, California
Meetings held at Anderson Grange, Anderson, CAAnnual Show – October
Newsletter – Shasta Gem Bulletin
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday, 6 p.m. potluck, 7 p.m. general meeting
Sierra Pelona Rock Club – Newhall, California
Meetings held at Clubhouse, 21301 Soledad Canyon Rd.Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. (except July)
South Bay Lapidary & Mineral Society – Torrance, California
Meetings held at Torrance Library, 3301 Torrance Blvd.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – The Agatizer
Monthly Meetings – 1st Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.
South Orange County Gem and Mineral Society – San Clemente, California
Meetings held at Community Center, Multipurpose Rm. 100 N. Calle Seville,Monthly Meetings – 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Southern California Paleontological Society – Los Angeles, California
Meetings held at Geo. C. Page Museum, 5801 Wilshire BlvdMonthly Meetings – 1st Sunday, 1:30 p.m. (except August)
Stockton Lapidary & Mineral Club – Stockton, California
Meetings held at SLMC Clubhouse, 3136 Anita St. Stockton, CAAnnual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – 4th Thursday, 7:00 p.m. (except July & Aug.).
Sun City Lincoln Hills Gem & Mineral Society – Lincoln, California
Meetings held at Kilaga Springs LodgeMonthly Meetings – 4th Friday of Feb, May, Aug, Nov , 7:00 p.m.
Sutter Buttes Gem & Mineral Society – Marysville, California
Meetings held at 5400 Chestnut Road, Olivehurst, California 95961., MarysvilleAnnual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Tehachapi Gem & Mineral Society – Tehachapi, California
Meetings held at St. Malachys Youth Center, 407 W. F St.Monthly Meetings – 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Trinity Gem & Mineral Society – Weaverville, California
Meetings held at 550 N Washington St., Weaverville, CAMonthly Meetings – 3rd Sunday, potluck 1 p.m. meeting 2 p.m.
Tule Gem & Mineral Society – Visalia, California
Meetings held at Farmersville Senior Center, 444 W. Gene St., FarmersvilleAnnual Show – January
Newsletter – Tule Smoke Signals
Monthly Meetings – 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m.
Vallejo Gem & Mineral Society – Vallejo, California
Meetings held at Civic Bldg. Solano Co. FairgroundsMonthly Meetings – 1st Saturday, 12 (noon) to 2:00 p.m. Bring your own lunch – meeting starts at 1:00 p.m.
Valley Prospectors – San Bernardino, California
Meetings held at Knights of Columbus Hall, 1729 E. BaselineMonthly Meetings – Last Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
Ventura Gem & Mineral Society – Ventura, California
Meetings held at Ventura Senior Recreation Center, 420 E. Santa Clara StreetAnnual Show – March
Newsletter – Rockhound Rambling
Monthly Meetings – 4th Wed. (Except 2nd Wed Nov. & Dec.) , 7:30 p.m.
Victor Valley Gem & Mineral Club – Victorville, California
Meetings held at 15056B 7th St., VictorvilleNewsletter – The Bulletin
Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
Vista Gem & Mineral Society – Vista, California
Meetings held at 1400B Vale TerraceAnnual Show – October
Newsletter – The Rockorder
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:00 p.m.
West Coast Prospectors & Treasure Hunters Association – Orange County Area, California
Meetings held at Garden Grove Women\’s Club, 9501 Chapman Ave., Garden GroveNewsletter – Various Publications
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.
Westend Prospectors – Norco, California
Meetings held at Community Center, 3900 Hammer Ave., Norco, CAMonthly Meetings – 1st Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
Whittier Gem & Mineral Society – Whittier, California
Meetings held at Whittier Community Center, 7630 Washington Ave.Monthly Meetings – 4th Thursday, 7:30 p.m., 3rd Thursday in November and December No meetings in July and August
Willits Gem & Mineral Club – Willits, California
Meetings held at private residence, contact 4500 Canyon Rd., Willits for meeting information.Monthly Meetings – 3rd Sunday, 2:30 p.m.
Woodland Hills Rock Chippers – Vista, California
Meetings held at Community Center, 7248 Owensmouth Ave., Canoga ParkAnnual Show – October
Newsletter – Rockchippings
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Saturday, 7:30 p.m. monthly
Yucaipa Valley Gem & Mineral Society – Yucaipa, California
Meetings held at Mousley Museum of Natural History, 35308 Panorama Drive, YucaipaAnnual Show – May
Newsletter – The Green Valley Rocker
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. (excluding December)
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Colorado
North Jeffco Gem & Mineral Club – Arvada, Colorado
The North Jeffco Gem and Mineral Club promotes interest in minerals, gems, rocks and fossils. It also tries to improve and expand the use of outdoor resources and to foster a spirit of cooperation and understanding with other clubs and agencies with similar interests.
Meetings held at North Jeffco Community Recreation Center Annual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday of the month at 7:30 pm
Flatirons Mineral Club – Boulder, Colorado
The Flatirons Mineral Club is a non-profit organization, established March 9, 1957, dedicated to developing and maintaining interest in all aspects of earth science and associated hobbies.
Meetings held at Frasier Meadows, 350 Ponca Place, Boulder, CO unless otherwise stated.
Annual Show
Newsletter – Here
Monthly Meetings – second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m
Canon City Geology Club – Canon City, Colorado
Meetings held at Frasier Meadows, 350 Ponca Place, Boulder, CO. Monthly Meetings – 2nd Monday, 7:30 PM (Except July and August)
Colorado Springs Mineralogical Society – Colorado Springs, Colorado
CSMS is an incorporated, non-profit organization. We are a friendly group of people that enjoy sharing our common interests in rocks, minerals, fossils and the lapidary arts.
Meetings held at Colorado Springs Senior Center 1514 N. Hancock Ave. Colorado Springs, CONewsletter – Pick & Pack
Monthly Meetings – 7:30p every third Thursday except January & August; Juniors at 5:30p; Pebble Pups at 6:30p
Denver Gem & Mineral Guild – Denver, Colorado
Berthoud Hall, Room 108, Colorado School of Mines, on 16th between Maple and Illinois Street, Golden Colorado
Meetings held at Berthoud Hall, Room 108, Colorado School of Mines, on 16th between Maple and Illinois Street, Golden ColoradoAnnual Show – Feburary
Newsletter – Tips and Chips
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday of the month Sept-May 7:15pm
Friends of Mineralogy – Denver, Colorado
Meetings held at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Denver Museum of Nature and Science is located at 2001 Colorado Blvd. in Denver.Annual Show – February
Newsletter – FoM Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:30 Pm. (Jan.-May, Sept.-Nov.)
Gates Rock and Mineral Club – Denver, Colorado
Meetings held at Gates Rubber Company, 999 S. Broadway, Denver, CO.Monthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Four Corners Gem & Mineral Club – Durango, Colorado
Founded in 1947, the Four Corners Gem & Mineral Club, Inc., a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization, provides a great opportunity to learn about the earth sciences and the lapidary arts.
Meetings held at Brookside Park, 2351 Main Avenue, Durango.Annual Show – July
Newsletter – Four Corners Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – 1st Monday at 6:30 pm
Fort Collins Rockhounds – Fort Collins, Colorado
Our members share a common interest in rocks and minerals. Areas of interest include lapidary work (cutting and polishing rocks, tumbling, and faceting gems), and jewelry making.
Meetings held at the Harmony Presbyterian Church, 400 East Boardwalk Drive, Fort Collins, 80525.Annual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Monday of each month 7:00 PM
Grand Junction Gem & Mineral Club – Grand Junction, Colorado
The Grand Junction Gem and Mineral Club, Inc, is a nonprofit, taxexempt, educational organization. Our purpose shall be exclusively educational and social: (a) to increase and disseminate knowledge of the earth sciences pertaining to minerals, gems, rocks, artifacts, and fossils and similar subjects; (b) to promote and perpetuate knowledge of the lapidary arts;: (c) to encourage field trips; (d) to encourage greater public interest and education in gems fossils and minerals, cooperating with established institutions in such matters.
Meetings held at our club building at 2328 Monument RoadAnnual Show – April
Newsletter – Leaverite News
Monthly Meetings – 2nd & 4th Thurs 6:30 p.m, except June – August then 4th Thurs 6:30 p.m. only
Weld Country Rock and Mineral Society – Greeley, Colorado
Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm
Rocky Mountain Micromineral Association – Golden, Colorado
On August 10, 2008 The Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum hosted a special event drawing 20 micromineral enthusiasts for an afternoon of conversation and distribution of surplus micromineral materials. It was decided to continue meeting monthly. The monthly Association meetings, hosted by the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum, are very heavily oriented towards the hands-on use of microscopes.
Meetings held at Colorado School of Mines Geology MuseumMonthly Meetings – Contact them for meeting times
Lake George Gem & Mineral Club – Lake George, Colorado
Our club is centered geographically on one of the most intersting & exciting mineral collecting regions of the United States right here in Colorado.
Meetings held at the Lake George Community Center, located on the North side of US Highway 24 on the East side of town, sharing a building with the County Highway shops.Annual Show – August
Newsletter – Club News
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Saturday 10AM Nov-Apr, 9AM May-Oct
Colorado Mineral Society – Lakewood, Colorado
We promote the study of minerals and other geologic materials, to encourage mineral collecting as a hobby and to conduct public meetings, lectures, and field trips, and to engage in all activities which relate to said purposes of the organization.
Meetings held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 10th and Garrison.Newsletter – MINERAL MINUTES
Monthly Meetings – lst Friday, 7:30 Pm
Littleton Gem and Mineral Club – Littlewood, Colorado
The Littleton Gem & Mineral Club (LGMC) focuses on the enjoyment of finding, collecting, identifying, exchanging, and displaying gems, minerals, fossils and jewelry as a hobby.
Meetings held at the Columbine Hills Church, 9700 Old Coal Mine Avenue, Littleton, CO 80123.Annual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Friday September thru May
Longmont Gem & Mineral Club – Longmont, Colorado
The Longmont Gem and Mineral Club was established in 1977 as a nonprofit club for the purpose of creating and promoting an interest in and further knowledge of rocks, gems, minerals and fossils thru the use of monthly meetings, programs, field trips, and demonstrations.
Meetings held at the Messiah Lutheran Church 1335 Francis St. Longmont, Colo., 80501Newsletter – Jabberock
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm
Columbine Gem and Mineral Society – Poncha Springs, Colorado
Since 1947 the Columbine Gem and Mineral Society is a local organization of people who share interests in rocks and minerals, local travel, local geography and history.
Meetings held at the Meeting Room of the Mount Shavano Manor at 525 West 16th (at J street) in Salida, ColoradoNewsletter – Columbine Notes
Monthly Meetings – 6:30 PM, second Thursday of each month
Pueblo Rockhounds – Pueblo, Colorado
Being in existence for more than a half century and having members with several hundred collective years of experience in the rock field, we love getting to-gether and sharing infor-mation, asking questions, and helping each other grow in the knowledge and love of rocks and minerals.
Meetings held at Westminster Presbyterian Church 10 University CircleMonthly Meetings – third Thursday of each month except June, July, and August at 7:30 P.M.
Columbine Gem and Mineral Society – Salida, Colorado
Columbine Gem and Mineral Society is Chaffee County, Colorado\’s own rockhunting, fossil, artifact, lapidary and earth science club. Founded in 1947.
Meetings held at the Shavano in Salida.Newsletter – Rock Talk
Monthly Meetings – third Thursday of each month except June, July, and August at 7:30 P.M.
Mile Hi Rock & Mineral Society – Westminster, Colorado
Meetings held somewhere I would imagine…Monthly Meetings – 3rd Friday, 7:30 Pm.
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Connecticut
Bridgeport Mineralogical Society Inc – Bridgeport , Connecticut
Meetings held at the North Branch Libary 3455 Madison Ave Bridgeport CT
Bristol Gem and Mineral Club – Bristol, Connecticut
The Bristol Gem and Mineral Club was organized in 1972 to foster interest in the earth and geological sciences, minerals, and the lapidary arts. The club holds regularly scheduled meetings where educational events are presented for the advancement and knowledge of the membership in these fields.
Meetings held at the dining room at the Douglas Beals Senior/Community Center at 240 Stafford Ave, Bristol, ConnecticutAnnual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM
Danbury Mineralogical Society – Danbury, Connecticut
Our club is centered geographically on one of the most intersting & exciting mineral collecting regions of the United States right here in Colorado.
Meetings held at the Lake George Community Center, located on the North side of US Highway 24 on the East side of town, sharing a building with the County Highway shops.Annual Show – September
Newsletter – Danburites
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of every month (except July, August, September, and January), @7:00PM
Thames Valley Rockhounds, Inc. – Ledyard, Connecticut
Meetings held at the Bill Library, 718 Colonel Ledyard Hwy. Ledyard, CTMonthly Meetings – 1st Monday of month at 7:00 P.M.
Manchester Gem & Mineral Club – Manchester, Connecticut
Meetings held at the Lutz Childrens\’ Museum, 247 S Main St; ManchesterMonthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday of month at 7:00 P.M.
Lapidary and Mineral Society of Central Connecticut, Inc – Meriden, Connecticut
Organized in 1970, LMSCC, Inc. (aka Meriden Mineral Club) is a non-sectarian, non-partisan, and non-profit group dedicated to the promotion, study, and encouragement of interest in rocks, minerals, fossils, and lapidary arts through lecture, discussions, and field trips.
Meetings held at the Maloney High School, Gravel Street (near East Main Street and I-91), Meriden, CT.Annual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – 4th Monday of each month (except July and August), 7:30 PM
Stamford Mineralogical Society – Stamford, Connecticut
Meetings held at the Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, 90 Harding Road, Old Greenwich , CT 06870Annual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM
New Haven Mineral Club – New Haven, Connecticut
Provide a nonprofit organization for the study and promotion of the geological sciences and lapidary arts. Monthly Meetings at the Veterans Memorial Building, Brooksvale Park, 524 Brooksvale Avenue, Hamden, Connecticut. Annual Show – April
Newsletter – Triassic Valley Bulletin
Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month, except summer months, at 6:30PM.
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Delaware
Delaware Mineralogical Society – Wilmington, Delaware
The Delaware Mineralogical Society (DMS) is a club of people interested in minerals, fossils, gems, lapidary arts, and related areas. Membership is open to all ages, regardless of experience.
Meetings held at the Greenbank Mill, Route 41 & Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DelawareAnnual Show – March
Newsletter – The Geogram
Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of the month at 7:00pm (We do not meet in July and August.)
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Florida
Imperial Bone Valley Gem, Mineral & Fossil Society, Inc. – Auburndale, Florida
Meetings held at the Bartow Civic Center, 2250 S. Floral, BartowAnnual Show – February
Newsletter – Stones and Bones
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday
Tomoka Gem & Mineral Society – Daytona Beach, Florida
Meetings held at Sica Hall, 1065 Daytona Avenue in Holly HillAnnual Show – January
Monthly Meetings – 1st Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
Gem and Mineral Club of DeLand – Deland, Florida
Meetings held at the Woodland Towers, 113 Chipola Ave., DeLandMonthly Meetings – 2nd Monday at 7:30 pm
Fossil Club of Lee County – Ft. Myers , Florida
Meetings held at the Calusa Nature Center on Ortiz, Ft. MyersAnnual Show – December
Newsletter – Newsletters
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday
Playground Gem and Mineral Society – Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Meetings held at 17B First St, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548Annual Show – September
Newsletter – Newsletters
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday
Gainesville Gem and Mineral Society – Gainesville, Florida
Meetings locations changes, call Robert Packer – [352] 371-2537 ,Thomas Nutter – [352] 495-3485Monthly Meetings – 3rd Wednesday of month at 7:30 pm
Jacksonville Gem and Mineral Society – Jacksonville, Florida
Meetings held at Riverside Avenue Christian Church 2841 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville, FloridaAnnual Show – November
Newsletter – Lodestar
Monthly Meetings – 1st Thursday
Pinellas Geological Society – Largo, Florida
Meetings held at the Largo Library, 120 Central Park DrMonthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday of month at 6:00 pm
Canaveral Gem and Mineral Society – Melbourne, Florida
Meetings held at the Front St. Civic Center, MelbourneAnnual Show – Annual Meetings
Newsletter – Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday
Central Brevard Rock and Gem Club, Inc – Merritt Island, Florida
Meetings held at the Merritt Island Library 1195 N. Courtney Pkwy, Merritt IslandMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday
SouthWest Florida Gem, Mineral & Fossil CLub – North Fort Myers, Florida
Meetings held at the Cape Coral Art StudioMonthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday of month at 7:30 pm
Mid-Florida Gem and Mineral Society – Homosassa Springs, Florida
Meetings held at the Ocala Marion Library, 2720 Silver Springs Blvd.,OcalaMonthly Meetings – 1st Sunday of month at 1:30 pm
Central Florida Mineral and Gem Society – Orlando, Florida
Meetings held at the Orlando Science CenterAnnual Show – Annual Meetings
Newsletter – News letter
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Wednesday
Gulf Coast Gem and Mineral Society – Panama City, Florida
Meetings held at Clubhouse, 710 Iowa Ave., Lynn HavenMonthly Meetings – 2nd Wednesday of month at 7:00 pm
Panama City Gem & Mineral Society – Panama City, Florida
Meetings held at Joe Moody ParkMonthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday of month at 7:00 pm
Florida Gold Coast Gem & Mineral Society – Parkland, Florida
Meetings held at the Apple Creek Community Center 7301 West Sunrise Blvd.,Plantation FLAnnual Show – Annual Meetings
Newsletter – News letter
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Wednesday
Florida Panhandle Gem & Mineral Soc. – Pensacola, Florida
Meetings held at Washington H.S. rm.201Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday of month
Southwest Regional Center, Florida Public Archaeology Network – Pineland, Florida
Meetings held at Edison State College, located at 26300 Airport Road in Punta GordaAnnual Show – Annual Meetings
Newsletter – Southwest Regional News
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Saturday
Southwest Florida Fossil Club – Port Charlotte, Florida
Meetings held at Punta Gorda Historical Society 118 Sullivan StreetAnnual Show – February
Newsletter – Newsletters
Monthly Meetings – 4th Sunday
Manasota Rock and Gem Club – Sarasota, Florida
Meetings held at the Bank of America, Siesta Key Branch, 1237 Stickney Pt. Rd., SarasotaMonthly Meetings – 4th Friday of month
Withlacoochee Rockhounds – Spring Hill, Florida
Meetings held at the Hernando Senior Center, Cave Hill Road, Spring HillAnnual Show – December
Newsletter – Newsletters
Monthly Meetings – 4th Sunday
Suncoast Gem & Mineral Society, Inc – St. Petersburg, Florida *
Meetings held at 4619 69th Street North, St. PetersburgAnnual Show – March
Newsletter – Rock-A-Gram
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday
Tampa Bay Mineral and Science Club – Tampa, Florida *
Meetings held at the 10207 Fisher Avenue, Tampa, FloridaAnnual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday
Tampa Bay Fossil Club – Tampa, Florida *
Meetings held at USF Behavioral Science Room #103Annual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – 1st Saturday (unless holiday, 2nd saturday)
Gulf Coast Mineral, Fossil and Gem Club, Inc – Venice, Florida
Meetings held at the Venice LibraryMonthly Meetings – 1st Monday of month
The Treasure Coast Rock and Gem Society – Vero Beach, Florida
Meetings held at the Vero Beach Museum of Art, 3001 Riverside Park Dr.Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday of month
Gem and Mineral Society of the Palm Beaches, Inc. – West Palm Beach, Florida
Meetings held at the West Palm Beach Garden Club 4800 Dreher ParkAnnual Show – November
Newsletter – Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Georgia
Athens Rock and Gem Club – Athens, Georgia
Meetings held at the Friendship Christian Church, 285 Tallassee Road, Athens
Monthly Meetings – Every third Tuesday, excluding July and August, locations of the December (Christmas party) and June (picnic) are announced. The business part of the meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. The educational program begins at about 8:00 p.m.
Georgia Mineral Society – Atlanta, Georgia
Meetings held at the Chamblee Library, 4114 Clairmont Rd., ChambleeAnnual Show – December and May
Newsletter – Tips and Trips
Monthly Meetings – 1st Mon. of each month at 7:30
Augusta Gem & Mineral Society – Augusta, Georgia
Meetings held at Room 2A at the Georgia Military College (GMC) on Davis Road in Martinez, just South of Washington Road.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – Star-o-Lite
Monthly Meetings – Third Friday of every month at 7:30PM
Mid-Ga Gem and Mineral Society – Macon, Georgia
Meetings held at The Museum of Arts and Sciences
Monthly Meetings – 7:30 pm on the first Monday of each month except no meetings in July, August, and January
Cobb County Gem and Mineral Society – Marietta, Georgia
Meetings held at the East Cobb Government Building, 4400 Lower Roswell Rd.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – Cobb-L-Stones
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday
Cotton Indian Gem & Mineral Society – Stockbridge, Georgia
Meetings held at the Bethel United Methodist Church, 245 Fairview Rd
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thur. of each month at 7:30 pm
Savannah Lapidary Club – Savannah, Georgia
Meetings held at the Marsh View Senior Living, 7410 Skidaway Road, Savannah GA 31406 – 2nd Thursday at 6:30 pm
Rome Georgia Mineral Society – Rome, Georgia
Meetings held at the Rome/Floyd County Library – Oostanaula RoomMonthly Meetings – 7:00 pm Second Monday of the Month
Georgia Veterans Gem & Mineral Society- Dallas, Georgia
Meetings held at the Dallas Civic & Cultural Center;Monthly Meetings – 3rd Mon of each month at 7:30 pm
Northeast Georgia Mineral Society – Cornelia, Georgia
Meetings held at the Cornelia Library, Main St.Monthly Meetings – 1st Thursday of month at 7:30 P.M
Carroll County Gem and Mineral Society – Carrollton, Georgia
Meetings held at the Gold Museum in Villa RicaMonthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month. 7:00 PM
Golden Isles Gem & Mineral Society – Brunswick, Georgia
Meetings held at 2402 Norwich St.Monthly Meetings – 4th Mon. of each month at 7:00 pm

Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Hawaii
Rock and Mineral Society of Hawai\’i – Honolulu, Hawai\’i
Meetings held at the Makiki District Park in HonoluluAnnual Show – October
Newsletter – Hui Pohaku \’o Hawai\’i
Monthly Meetings – 4th Wednesday from 6:15-8:00pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Idaho
Idaho Gem Club Inc. – Boise, Idaho
Meetings held at the Mountain View Church of the Brethren 2823 N. Cole RdAnnual Show – Feburary
Newsletter – Grindings
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday 7:30pm
North Idaho Mineral Club – Hayden, Idaho
Meetings held at the Lake City Senior Center in HaydenAnnual Show – Feburary
Newsletter – Lake City Rockhound News
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday 6:00 pm
Hells Canyon Gem Club – Lewiston, Idaho
Meetings held at The Clarkston Grange Hall (in the Clarkston Heights)Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Boulder Buster
Monthly Meetings – second Friday of each month at 7:00pm.
Eureka Rock and Gem Club – Mountain Home, Idaho
Meetings held at the Senior Center, 1000 North 3rd EastAnnual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – first Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 p.m
Magic Valley Gem Club – Twin Falls, Idaho
Meetings held at the Mountain View Church of the Brethren 2823 N. Cole RdAnnual Show – Feburary
Newsletter – Grindings
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday 7:30pm
Idaho Gem Club Inc. – Boise, Idaho
Meetings held at the Mountain View Church of the Brethren 2823 N. Cole RdAnnual Show – Feburary
Newsletter – Grindings
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday 7:30pm
Intermountain Faceters Guild – Burley, Idaho
Meetings held at location provided in \”Off the Dop Newsletter\” which can be obtained by inquiring via snail mail to
Intermountain Faceters Guild. P.O. Box 696, Burley, ID 83318Monthly Meetings – 1st Sat. 12pm.(Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.)
Owyhee Gem and Mineral Club – Caldwell, Idaho
Meetings held at Bonne Science Bldg., Albertsons College of Idaho.Monthly Meetings – 3rd Wed. 7:30 pm
Idaho Falls Gem and Mineral Society – Idaho Falls, Idaho
Meetings held at Idaho Falls Public LibraryMonthly Meetings – 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm
Moscow Star Garnet Club – Moscow, Idaho
Meetings held at Latah County Grain Growers AuditoriumMonthly Meetings – 3rd Friday, 8:00 Pm
Shoshone County Amateur Mineral Pickers Society – Osburn, Idaho
Meetings held at a location provided in the newsletter, which you must request with a snail mail to this address
PO Box 1029 Osburn, Idaho 83849Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:00pm, or 7:30pm, Members homes
Southeast Idaho Gem and Mineral Society – Pocatello, Idaho
Meetings held at the Idaho MuseumMonthly Meetings – 2nd 7:30pm
Gold Hill Diggers Gem and Mineral Club – Potlatch, Idaho
Meetings held at a location provided in the newsletter, which you must request with a snail mail to this address
Rt 1, box 1K Potlatch, Idaho 83855Monthly Meetings – 2nd Sunday, 1:00 pm
Northside Gem and Hobby Club – Wendell, Idaho
Meetings held at Wendell City Hall (Sept.-May) Wendell City Park (June – Aug.)Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Illinois
Edwards River Earth Science Club – Aledo, Illinois
Meetings held at the Monmouth Security Savings BankMonthly Meetings – 1st Saturday at 2:00 pm
Belleveille Gem And Mineral Society – Belleville, Illinois
Meetings held at PSOP Belleville Area CollegeMonthly Meetings – 1st Monday at 7:00 pm
Southern Illinois Earth Science Club, Inc.- Benton, Illinois
Meetings held at Benton Community BuildingMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday of each month, 7:00 P.M.
Fulton County Rockhounds – Canton, Illinois
Meetings held at Wallace Park Receration Bldg.Monthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday, 7:00 pm (Except April)
Southern Illinois University, Geology Club – Carbondale, Illinois
Meetings held at Lab Room 110 on Campus of Southern Illinois UniversityMonthly Meetings – Every Thursday at 5 PM
Worthen Earth Searchers – Carthage, Illinois
Meetings held at Member\’s Homes
Chicago Rocks and Minerals Society – Chicago, Illinois
Meetings held at St. Peter\’s United Church of ChristMonthly Meetings – Second Saturday of the month at 7:30 p.m. (except July and August)
Midwest Historical Research Society, Inc.- Chicago, Illinois
Meetings held at Saint Alban\’s Episcopal ChurchMonthly Meetings – 12:00 (noon) 4th Sunday of each month except Dec)
Central Illinois Gem & Mineral Club, Inc. – Decatur, Illinois
Meetings held at Claire\’s RestaurantMonthly Meetings – Noon, First Sunday of the Month
Illinois Lithophilics, LTD. – Des Plaines, Illinois
Meetings held at Community Room, Oehler Funeral Home Lee & Perry StreetsMonthly Meetings – 2nd Wednesday (except June, July, August)
Sauk Valley Rock and Mineral Club – Dixon, Illinois
Meetings held at Loveland Community BuildingMonthly Meetings – : 3rd Mon. (Sept.-May), 7:00 PM
Elgin Rock Club, Inc. – Elgin, Illinois
Meetings held at Church of the Brethren 783 W. Highland Avenue, Elgin, Il 60123Monthly Meetings -7:00pm 4th Friday of the month
West Surburban Lapidary Club – Elmhurst, Illinois
Meetings held at 227 Crystal, Lombard, IL 60148Monthly Meetings – 4th Friday, 8:00 pm (September-May)
Northwest Illinois Rock Club – Freeport, Illinois
Meetings held at Community Reformed ChurchMonthly Meetings -3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm
ESCONI (Earth Science Club of Northern Illinois) – Glen Ellyn-Lombard, Illinois
Meetings held at Normal meeting room College of DuPage Bldg K, Room 161 Lapidary meetings, COD Arts Center, Room 162Monthly Meetings – Meetings: Sept thru June
General meetings 2nd Fri
Mineral/Micro 2nd Sat
Lapidary 3rd Fri
Paleo 3rd Sat
Board 4th Fri,Juniors and Archeology per special tarranged times
General Meeting 8:00 pm, all others 7:30 pm
Rock River Valley Gem and Mineral Society – Loves Park, Illinois
Meetings held at North Suburban LibraryMonthly Meetings First Sat. of Month, 10 a.m.
West Central Illinois Rock and Mineral Club – Macomb, Illinois
Meetings held Trinity Lutheran ChurchMonthly Meetings First Monday, 7:00 p.m, except Sept. (2nd Monday) and May which is at Tilman Hall at WIU
Southern Illinois Earth Science Club – Mt. Veron, Illinois
Meetings held at Benton Community Bldg.Monthly Meetings 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm
Greater Oak Lawn Diggers – Oak Lawn, Illinois
Meetings held at. Oakview CenterMonthly Meetings 1st Friday, 7:30 pm (September-June)
South Suburban Earth Science Club – Park Forest, Illinois
Meetings held at, The Park Forest LibraryMonthly Meetings 7:00 p.m. the first Thursday of each month except June and July
Peoria Academy of Science Geology Section – Peoria, Illinois
Meetings held at Cilco building
Monthly Meetings – 7 p. m. the forth Tuesday of each month
Gem City Rock Club – Quincy, Illinois
Meetings held at Good Samaritan Home Towne HallMonthly Meetings 3rd Monday, 7:30 pm
Black Hawk Gem and Mineral Club.- Rock Island, Illinois
Meetings held at Hauberg Civic CenterMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:30pm
Lincoln Earth Orbit Science Society (LOESS)- Rochester, Illinois
Meetings held at Illinois State Museum, Spring & Edwards Streets (south of the Capital Building)Monthly Meetings – Third Monday every month, 7:00 PM
Sauk Valley Rock and Mineral Club- Sterling, Illinois
Meetings held at Loveland Community BuildingMonthly Meetings 3rd Monday (Sept.- May), 7:00 pm
Lake County Gem and Mineral Society – Waukegan, Illinois
Meetings held at Waukegan Public LibrayMonthly Meetings (3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm (except July, August, December)
Chicago Area Paleontological Society – Wheaton, Illinois
Meetings held at Benedictine CollegeMonthly Meetings 2nd Saturday, 7:15 pm
The Bead Society of Greater Chicago – Wilmette, Illinois
Meetings held at Salvation Army Community CenterMonthly Meetings, 2nd Thursday (except July & Aug.)
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Indiana
Lawrence County Rock Club, Inc. – Shoals, Indiana
Meetings held at Company Concourse, 1402 H. Street, Bedford IN 47421Monthly Meetings – 7:00 PM First Saturday of each month, except July and August.
Eastern Indiana Gem & Geological Society – Richmond, Indiana
Meetings held at Club house-corner of Rice Rd. & US 40 WestMonthly Meetings – first Thursday of Month at 6:30 P.M.
Brown County Rock and Mineral Club – Nashville, Indiana
Meetings held at Gatesville Country StoreMonthly Meetings – Third Saturday of the month @6pm
Three Rivers Gem and Mineral Society – Fort Wayne, Indiana
Meetings held at Science Central, 1950 S Clinton St, Ft Wayne INMonthly Meetings – 7-9 pm, 4th Wednesday of each month
Evansville Lapidary Society – Evansville, Indiana
Meetings held at 1304 N. Willow RoadMonthly Meetings – 3rd Monday, 7:00 pm (Feburary-May, September-November)
Calumet Gem & Mineral Society – Highland, Indiana
Meetings held at Presbyterian Church, 8727 DelawareMonthly Meetings – 2nd Friday, 7:30 pm (September-May)
500 Earth Sciences Club – Indianapolis, Indiana
Meetings held at North Eastwood Christian ChurchMonthly Meetings – 2nd Sunday 2 p.m. (except September)
Indiana Geology Club – Indianapolis, Indiana
Meetings held at Methodist Medical Center PlazaMonthly Meetings – Fourth Friday of the month at 6:00 PM
Duneland Rock Club – Merrillville, Indiana
Meetings held at 1st Presbyterian Church of MerrillvilleMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm (Sept.-June)
Muncie Rock and Gem Club – Muncie, Indiana
Meetings held at 1304 N. Willow RoadMonthly Meetings – 3rd Monday, 7:00 pm (Feburary-May, September-November)
Michiana Gem and Mineral Society – New Carlisle/South Bend, Indiana
Meetings held at Redeemer Lutheran ChurchMonthly Meetings – 4th Sunday, 2:00 pm (September – May)
Wabash Valley Gem and Mineral Society – West Lafyette, Indiana
Meetings held at Morton Ctr., 222 N. ChaunceyMonthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm(Sept.,June)
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Iowa
Ames Rock and Mineral Club – Ames, Iowa
Meetings held at Iowa State Univeristy Rm. 177, Science I Bldg.Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday, 7:30 pm (Sept.-May)
Nnishna Valley Rock Club – Atlantic, Iowa
Meetings held at 1101 Hill St., Harlan, IA 51537Monthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 pm (except winter)
Cedar Valley Rocks and Minerals Society – Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Meetings held at Rockwell Collins 35th St Plant Cafeteria, 855 35th St NE,Cedar Rapids, IANewsletter – Cedar Valley Gems
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday monthly, 7:30 p.m.
Des Moines Rock Club – Des Moines, Iowa
Meetings held at 2608 24th St.Monthly Meetings – 1st Saturday, 7:30 pm (Sept,-June)
The Sac and Fox Lapidary Club – Fairfield, Iowa
Meetings held at First Baptist Church 205 W. BroadwayAnnual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of the month except December, 7:00 P.M.
Des Moines Valley Rocks and Relics Club – Farmington, Iowa
Contact 1511 265th Ave., West Point, IA 52656 for meeting information
River Valley Rockhound Club – Fort Dodge, Iowa
Meetings held at Iowa Central Community CollegeMonthly Meetings – 2nd Friday (Oct.-May)
NorthWest Iowa Rocks and Fossils – Linn Grove, Iowa
Contact PO Box 56, 311 Sweet Ave for meeting informationMonthly Meetings – 4tb Thursday, 7:00 pm (Sept.-May)
Central Iowa Mineral Society – Des Moines, Iowa
Meetings held at South Auditorium, Meredith Hall, Drake University, 28th & University AvenueMonthly Meetings – 7:30 P.M. First Friday of each month except June, July, Aug
Chicauaua Rockhound Society – New London, Iowa
Meetings held at 300 W. Monroe, Mt. Pleasant Iowa Community RoomMonthly Meetings – 3rd Monday, 7:00 pm (except June, Aug., July & Dec.)
Siouxland Gem and Mineral Society – Sioux City, Iowa
Meetings held at Jones Science Hall Morningside CollegeMonthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday, 7:30 pm (except Aug. picnic & Dec. party)
Storm Lake Area Rockhounds – Storm Lake, Iowa
Meetings held at 6416 \”120th\” Ave. Storm Lake, IA 50588 USA
Black Hawk Gem and Mineral Society – Waterloo, Iowa
Meetings held at Waterloo Center for the ArtsNewsletter – Smoke Signals Monthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday of month, Sept thru June
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Kansas
North Central Kansas Rock and Gem Club – Barnes, Kansas
Meetings held at Pony Express CafeMonthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 PM
Chanltte Gem and Mineral Society – Chanute, Kansas
Meetings held at North Malcolm Community CenterMonthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Hiawatha Gem and Mineral Club – Highland, Kansas
Meetings held at Highland Community College Math/Science BuildingMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm
Hutchinson Gem and Mineral Society – Hutchinson, Kansas
Meetings held at Hutchinson City LibrayMonthly Meetings – 3rd Sunday, 2:00 pm (Sept.-May)
Lawrenece Gem and Mineral Club – Lawrence, Kansas
Meetings held at First Baptist Church 1330 Kasold DriveMonthly Meetings – 3rd Friday, 7:30 pm(Except July & August)
Manhattan Mineral Gem and Fossil Club – Manhattan, Kansas
Meetings held at UFM, 1221 Thurston ManhattanMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm
McPherson Gem & Mineral Club – McPherson, Kansas
Meetings held at 112 E. Euclid, McPherson Senior CenterMonthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday of each Month, 7:00 pm
Lawrenece Gem and Mineral Club – Shawnee Mission, Kansas
Meetings held at Overland Park Community CenterMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday (Except July & Aug.)
Topeka Gem & Mineral Society – Topeka, Kansas
Meetings held at Stoffer Science Hall Rm. 138, Washburn UniversityAnnual Show – October
Newsletter – Glacial Drifter Archives
Monthly Meetings – 7:30pm 4th Friday each month except December, Sept-May, Jun-Aug picnics held various locations
Wichita Gem and Mineral Society – Wichita, Kansas
Meetings held at Wichita State University Room 210 McKinley HallMonthly Meetings – 4th Sunday of each Month, 2:00 PM
Wichita Paleontological Society – Wichita, Kansas
Meetings held at Room 227 of McKinley Hall Wichita State UniversityNewsletter – Newsletter Monthly Meetings – 2nd tuesday of each month 7:00-8:30Pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Kentucky
Blue Grass Gem and Mineral Club – Lexington, Kentucky
Meetings held at Lexington Public Library, Tates Creek BranchAnnual Show – Kentucky Agate Rock Gem & Jewelry Show
Newsletter – Kentucky Rocks
Monthly Meetings – Third Sunday of the Month 1 PM Business Meeting 2 PM General Meeting
Kentucky Paleontological Society, Inc – Lexington, Kentucky
Meetings held at Mining and Minerals Resources Building on the University of Kentucky campus room 101Newsletter – Paleozine
Monthly Meetings – 4th Friday of the month 7:30pm
Rockhounds of Central Kentucky – Lexington, Kentucky
Meetings held at Meadowthorpe Community Center 333 Larch LaneAnnual Show – Annual Show
Monthly Meetings – third Thursday of every month at Meadowthorpe Community Center, 7:00pm
KYANA Geological Society – Louisville, Kentucky
Meetings held at Louisville Nature CenterAnnual Show – Mineral, Gem & Fossil Show
Monthly Meetings – 7:30-9:30 PM EST, Third Tuesday of each month
Capital City Gem and Mineral Club – Frankfort, Kentucky
Meetings held at Women\’s Club 200 WashingtonMonthly Meetings – 3rd Monday, 7:30 pm
Owensboro Mineral and Fossil Club – Owensboro, Kentucky
Meetings held at Owensboro Museum of Science and HistoryMonthly Meetings – 1st Monday (Except Sep and July) 7:00pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Louisiana
Baton Rouge Gem and Mineral Society – Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Meetings held at the Marriott on Hilton AveAnnual Show – August Monthly Meetings – 4th Thursday, 7:00 pm
Gem and Mineral Society of Louisiana, Inc. – New Orleans, Louisiana
Meetings held at University of New Orleans Geology BldgMonthly Meetings – 2nd Monday, 7:30 pm (except Feb and Ju1y)
New Orleans Soc. for the Study of Earth and Lapidary Sciences, Inc – Kenner, Louisiana
Meetings held at 4461 Lafaye St. New OrleansMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday, 8:00 pm
De Ridder Gem and Mineral Society – Leesville, Louisiana
Meetings held at Vernon Parish LibraryMonthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 pm
Northeast Louisiana Gem and Mineral Society – Monroe, Louisiana
Meetings held at Northeast Louisiana University Hanna Hall, 700 University AveMonthly Meetings – 4th Thursday, 7:00 pm (Sep-May)
Gem, Mineral and Lapidary Society of Central Louisana – Pineville, Louisiana
Meetings held at Bolton Ave. Community Center, AlexandriaMonthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:00 pm
Ark-La-Tex Gem and Mineral Society – Shreveport, Louisiana
Meetings held at Barnwell Center, Clyde Fant ParkwayAnnual Show – August
Newsletter – Rock Rattler
Monthly Meetings – 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm (except in Oct, 2nd Tue.)
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Maine
Penobscot Mineral and Lapidary Club – Bangor, Maine
Meetings held at PMLC\’s Club House – 48 Henderson Lane, Milford, MaineAnnual Show – November Monthly Meetings – Second Saturday of the month at 2:00 PM Sept-May, Jun-Aug is at the field trip site
Oxford County Mineral Gem & Association – Bryant Pond, Maine
Meetings held at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School, South Paris, MaineMonthly Meetings – First Friday of each month from 7:00PM
Lincoln County Gem and Mineral Society – Brunswick, Maine
Meetings held at Booklead Cooks Corner Shopping CtMonthly Meetings – 2nd Saturday, 7:00 pm
Oxford County Mineral and Gem Association – Newry, Maine
Annual Show – July
Meetings held at Norman Davis HomeMonthly Meetings – 1st Friday, 7:00 pm
Maine Mineralogical and Geological Society – Saco, Maine
Meetings held at University of Maine Falmouth St., PortlandMonthly Meetings – Last Friday, 7:00 pm
Kennebec Rocks and Minerals Club – Waterville, Maine
Meetings held at Kennebec Savings Bank, WinthropAnnual Show – August News Letter – The Kennebec Rocks and Minerals Club
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Friday, 7:00 pm
Water-Oak Gem and Mineral Society – Waterville, Maine
Meetings held at Mt. Merici School, Chase AveMonthly Meetings – 1st Saturday, 7:00 pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Maryland
American Fossil Federation – Arnold, Maryland
Meetings held at The Bowie Community CenterMonthly Meetings – Meets 6 times a year on the second Sunday of January, March, July, September, and November
and the third Sunday in May. Opens at 10:00 AM and AFF meetings start at 11:30 AM
Anne Arundel Gem and Mineral Society – Arnold, Maryland
Meetings held at Severna Park LibraryMonthly Meetings – 1st Monday 7:30 pm (SepJune)
Chesapeake Gem and Mineral Society – Baltimore, Maryland
Meetings held at Women\’s Club of Catonsville St. Timothy\’s, Lane and Old Frederick RdMonthly Meetings – 2nd Friday, 7:45 pm (Except Aug)
Gem Cutters Guild of Bailtimore – Baltimore, Maryland
Meetings held at Workshop in Meadow Mill 3600 Clipper Mill Road #116, Baltimore, MD 21211Annual Show – September
News Letter – Gem Cutters News
Monthly Meetings – first Tuesday of every month (except for July and August) at 7:30pm
Maryland Geological Society – Baltimore, Maryland
Meetings held at Bowie Community CenterNews Letter – The Rostrum Monthly Meetings – 1st Monday 7:30 pm (SepJune)
Southern Maryland Rock and Mineral Club – Clinton, Maryland
Meetings held at Clearwater Nature Center 11000 Thrift Rd.Annual Show – February News Letter – Rock Talk Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Patuxent Lapidary Guild – Ft. Meade, Maryland
Meetings held at Patuxent Lapidary Guild
Basement of the Annapolis Precious Metals
169 Defense Hwy Rt. 450Monthly Meetings – 7 – 9 PM on the third Monday of each month
Baltimore Mineral Society – Pasadena, Maryland
Meetings held at Maryland Academy of Science, Board Room 601 Light St., BaltimoreMonthly Meetings – 3rd Friday, 7:30 pm
Gem, Lapidary, and Mineral Society of Montgomery County – Gaithersburg, Maryland
Meetings held at Rockville Senior Center 1150 Carnation DriveAnnual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – 7:30 PM, 2nd Monday of the month, September to June
Gem, Lapidary, and Mineral Society Of Washington – Silver Spring, Maryland
Meetings held at Chevy Chase Community Center Connecticut Ave. NW and McKinley St.News Letter – The Dopstick
Monthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday, 7:00pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Massachusetts
Boston Mineral Club – Cambridge, Massachusetts
Meetings held at Harvard University Mineralogical MuseumAnnual Show – January News Letter – Newsletter Monthly Meetings – 1st Tuesday, 8:00 pm
Greylock Mineral Club – Dalton, Massachusetts
Meetings held at First Unitd Methodist Church. Fenn St., PittsfieldMonthly Meetings – 1st Friday, 7:00 pm
Connecticut Valley Mineral Club – Springfield, Massachusetts
The Connecticut Valley Mineral Club was founded in 1940, with our first formal meeting March 7, 1941, and dedicated to the study, appreciation and preservation of rocks, minerals, fossils and all aspects of Earth Science. We pass on our love of minerals to people of all ages with a special focus on schools with lectures and hands on presentations to students.
Meetings held at the Tolman Wing of the Springfield Science Museum at the Quadrangle, Springfield, MassachusettsAnnual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm
North Shore Rock and Mineral Club – Lynn, Massachusetts
Meetings held at St. Paul\’s Episcopal Church 12 Washington St., PeabodyAnnual Show – May Monthly Meetings – 3rd Friday, 7:30 pm (Sep-May)
Northern Berkshire Mineral Club – North Adams, Massachusetts
Meetings held at Spitzer Center 148 Ashland StMonthly Meetings – 2nd Sunday, 6:30 pm (Sep-Apr) P.M
Southeastern Massachusetts Mineral Club – Norwell, Massachusetts
Meetings held at Shore Natural Science Ctr., Jacobs LaneMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:30 pm
Nashoba Valley Mineralogical Society – Stow, Massachusetts
Meetings held at Fletcher Library, WestfordMonthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm
Micromounters of New Englandb – Sudbury, Massachusetts
Meetings held at Trinity Lutheran ChurchMonthly Meetings – September, November, January, February, March, and April,
on the third Saturday of the month if possible from 9am to noon
Worcester Mineral Club – Worcester, Massachusetts
Meetings held at Trinity Episcopal Church Main Street, ShrewsburyAnnual Show – November Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Michigan
State Line Gem and Mineral Society – Alpena, Michigan
Meetings held at Morenci Train Depot, 325 W. Main St., Morenci, MI 49256Annual Show – June
News Letter – ROCK TRAILS
Monthly Meetings – First Sunday of every month at 2:00 P.M
Alpena Earth Science Society – Alpena, Michigan
Meetings held at West Side United Methodist Church 700 S. 7thMonthly Meetings – 2nd Friday 7:30 pm (Sep-June)
Huron Hills Lapidary and Mineral Society – Ann Arbor, Michigan
Meetings held at Birchwood Meadow AptsMonthly Meetings – 1st Thurs. 7 p.m. Sept-May
Tri-County Rock and Mineral Society – Bay City, Michigan
Meetings held at Stacy\’s RestaurantMonthly Meetings – 2nd Saturday, 12:00 pm (Mar-Dec)
Big Rapids Rock, Gem and Mineral Club – Big Rapids, Michigan
Meetings held at Geology Lab, Room 138, Science Bldg., Ferris State University, Big RapidsMonthly Meetings – 7:00 pm on the first Thursday of every month (except Jan. & Feb.)
Michigan Mineralogical Society – Center Line, Michigan
Annual Show – October Meetings held at Cranbrook Instute of ScienceMonthly Meetings – 2nd Monday 8:00 pm(Sep-May)
Mt. Clemens Gem & Lapidary Society – Cinton Township, Michigan
Meetings held at 44314 Macomb Industrial DriveMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday of the month 7 pm.
Michigan Lapidary Society – Detroit, Michigan
Meetings held at 7273 Wing Lake Road, Birmingham, MiMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursady, 6:30pm
Midwest Mineralogical and Lapidary Society of Dearborn – Dearborn, Michigan
Meetings held at Taylor Community Library 12303 Pardee,Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:30pm (Sep-June)
Bay de Nor Gem and Mineral Club – Escanaba, Michigan
Meetings held at Bay de Noc Community College , Joe Heirman BuildingMonthly Meetings – 7:00 P.M. E.S.T. – Every second Thursday of the month
Flint Rock and Gem Club – Flint, Michigan
Meetings held at Clio Senior Citizens CenterAnnual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – 7:00 p.m. 3rd Thursday of the Month, March thru October
Rock Exchange Club – Garden City, Michigan
Meetings held at Henry Ruff SchoolMonthly Meetings – 2nd Friday, 7:30 pm (Sep-May)
Jack Pine Rock and Gem Club – Hale, Michigan
Meetings held at Hale Senior CenterMonthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm (Apr-Dec)
Livingston Gem and Mineral Society – Hartland, Michigan
Meetings held at 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm (Apr-Dec)Annual Show – September
News Letter – The Living Stones
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Tulip City Gem and Mineral Club – Holland, Michigan
Meetings held at Holland Civic CenterMonthly Meetings – 4th Wedsnesday, 7:00 pm (Sep-June)
Copper County Rock and Mineral Club – Houghton, Michigan
Meetings held at Michigan Tech, Seaman Mineral MuseumAnnual Show – August News Letter – CCRMC E-Newsletter Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:00 pm (except July and Dec dinners)
Midwest Faceters Guild – Howell, Michigan
Meetings held atMonthly Meetings –
Ishpeming Rock and Mineral Club – Ishpeming, Michigan
Meetings held at Marquette Township HallAnnual Show – March Monthly Meetings – 1:30 pm 3rd Sunday of the month, September thru May
Michigan Gem and Mineral Society of Jackson – Jackson, Michigan
Meetings held at Leoni Township Hall, 913 Fifth Street, Michigan CenterAnnual Show – March
News Letter – Michigan Gem and Mineral Society of Jackson
Monthly Meetings – 1:00pm second Saturday, September thru June, mostly
Kalamazoo Geological and Society – Kalamazoo, Michigan
Meetings held at Kalamazoo County Center Bldg. Fairgrounds, Lake StAnnual Show – May Monthly Meetings – lst Wednesday, 7:30 pm (Sep-June)
Central Michigan Lapidary and Mineral Soceity – Lansing, Michigan
Meetings held at North School, 333 E. Miller RdAnnual Show – October
News Leeters – The Rockhound Monthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm
Flint Rock and Gem Club – Linden, Michigan
Meetings held at International Institute 515 Stevens, Flint, MIMonthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:00 pm (Sep-May)
Michigan Geology and Gemcraft Society – Livonia, Michigan
Meetings held atMonthly Meetings –
Roamin Club – Livonia, Michigan
Meetings held at Livonia Civic Center Library, 32777 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 RdAnnual show – March
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Wedsnesday, 7:30 pm (Sep-May). The Roamin Club
Michigan Gem and Mineral Society – Michigan Center, Michigan
Meetings held at Leoni Township Hall, Michigan CenterAnnual show – March News Letter – MGMS Newsletter<> Monthly Meetings – 2nd Friday of each month, 6:00 pm
Mid-Michigan Gem Craft and Mineral Society – Midland, Michigan
Meetings held at Chippewa Nature Center 400 Badour RoadAnnual Show – November
News Letter – Michigan Fossils of the Devonian
Monthly Meetings – 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm (Sep-May)
Mt. Clemens Gem and Lapidary Society – Mt. Clemens, Michigan
Meetings held at Mt. Clemens Recreation DeptMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday, 7:30 pm (Sep-May)
Muskegon Rock and Mineral Association – Muskegon, Michigan
Meetings held at McGraft Park Community BldgMonthly Meetings – 4th Monday 7:30 pm (Except Dec)
State Line Gem and Mineral Society – Onsted, Michigan
Meetings held at Tecumseh Community Center E Chicago Blvd, Tecumseh, MIAnnual Show – June
News Letter – Rock Trials
Monthly Meetings – 1st Sunday, 2:00 pm (Sep-May)
Blue Water Lapidary Society – Port Huron, Michigan
Meetings held at Musuem of Art, and History 1115 Sixth StAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – 1st Friday, 7:30 pm (Sep-June)
Mikeauk Rock and Gem Club – Roscommon, Michigan
Meetings held at Roscommon Community CenterMonthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm
Blossomland Gem and Mineral Society – St. Joseph, Michigan
Meetings held at St. Joseph, Lincoln Twp., Senior CenterAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Sunday, 2:30 pm (Sep-June)
Grand Traverse Area Rock and Mineral Club – Traverse City, Michigan
Meetings held at TRAVERSE City Senior Center 801 E. Front StAnnual Show – September
News Letter – GTAMRC Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm
Wonderland Rock Club – Vestaburg, Michigan
Meetings held at Rod and Mary Wing residence 10330 Kendaville RdAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – 1st Satruday, 6:15 pm
Oakland County Earth Science Club – Waterford, Michigan
Meetings held at CAI BldgAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – 1st Wedsnesday, 7:30 pm (Sep-May)
Stonehead Lapidary and Mineral Club – White Pine, Michigan
Meetings held at White Pine Town HallMonthly Meetings – 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 pm
Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club – Wyoming, Michigan
Annual Show – April
News Letters – Arrowhead News Meetings held at Sunset Park Church 3450 Michael AveMonthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm(except June-Aug picnics)

Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Minnesota
Anoka County Gem and Mineral Club – Anoka, Minnesota
Meetings held at Northtown Hall, Community RoomAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – 1st Friday, 7:30 pm(Sep-Apr)
Carlton County Gem and Mineral Club – Carlton, Minnesota
Meetings held at Alternating between Civic Centers in Carlton and Moose LakeAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings -3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm (Sep-June)
Cuyuna Rock, Gem and Mineral Society – Crosby, Minnesota>
Meetings held at Crosby Community CenterAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – 1st Monday 7:00 pm
Lake Superior Gem and Mineral Club – Duluth, Minnesota
Meetings held at Senior Center, 2014 W. 3rd StMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm(Sep-May)
Richfield Mineral Club – Edina, Minnesota
Meetings held at United Methodist Church of PeaceMonthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 pm (Sep-Jun.)
Minnowa Rock and Gem – Elmore, Minnesota
Meetings held at Members homesMonthly Meetings – 2nd Sunday, 1:30 pm (Aug-Apr)
Minnesota Valley Gem and Mineral Club – Good Thunder, Minnesota
Meetings held at Eagles Club 708 N Riverfront DriveAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – Last Thursday, 7:30 pm (Feb-May, Sep-Nov)
Itasca Rock and Mineral Club – Grand Rapids, Minnesota
Meetings held at Grand Rapids Public LibraryMonthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday, 8:00 pm (except July)
Coulee Rock Club of La Crosse Wisconsin – La Crescent, Minnesota
Coulee Rock Club
Club Liaison: Allison Conrad. Ph: 1-507-895-8109
E-Mail: Meetings: 2nd Sat. of each month Sept-June from 9:30-11:30am at the Onalaska Public Library, Rm B, Onalaska WI.
Annual show 2nd full weekend every June in Viroqua, WI, Viroqua Middle School.
Steele County Gem and Mineral Club – Owatonna, Minnesota
Meetings held at Associate Church, Havana RdAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Monday 7:00 pm
Minnesota Mineral Club – Minneapolis, Minnesota
Meetings held at Falcon Heights Community CenterMonthly Meetings – 2nd Saturday, 7:30 pm (Oct-May)
Anoka County Gem and Mineral Club – Ramsey/Minneapolis, Minnesota
Meetings held at Dave Olsen Studios 1528 Marshall St NE MinneapolisAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – Sept thur May first Friday of month 7:30pm
Austin Gem and Mineral Society – Spring Valley, Minnesota
Meetings held at Salvation Army Community Center AustinMonthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday, 7:30 pm
3M Prospectors\’ Club – St. Paul, Minnesota
Meetings held at 3M Bldg. 21B, 900 E. BushMonthly Meetings – 2nd Monday 7:30 pm (Mar-May, Sep-Jan)
St. Croix Rockhounds – Stillwater, Minnesota
Meetings held at Stone Bridge SchoolAnnual show – April
Monthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday, 7:15 pm (Sep-May)
North Star Gem and Mineral Club – White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Meetings held at Normandy Park Senior CenterMonthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm (Sep-May)
Little Crow Lapidary and Mineral Club – Willmar, Minnesota
Meetings held at Willmar Jr. High School, Room 102Monthly Meetings – 1st Monday 7:00 pm (Apr-Oct)
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Mississippi
Harrison County Gem and Mineral Society – Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
Meetings held at Handsbom Arts and Crafts Center Cowand Rd., GulfportMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 6:45 pm
Pearl River Rock Club – Carriere, Mississippi
Meetings held at Crosby Library, PicayuneMonthly Meetings – 4th Saturday, 2:00 pm
Mississippi Gem and Mineral Society – Jackson, Mississippi
Meetings held at Mississippi Museum of Natural Science 111 N. Jefferson StAnnual Show – February Monthly Meetings – <ahref=\”http:\”\” page3.php\”=\”\”>4th Friday, 7:30 pm
Mississippi Gulf Coast Gem and Mineral Society – Pascagoula, Mississippi
Meetings held at Ocean Springs Library 526 Dewey Ave.Annual Show – November Monthly Meetings – 2nd Sunday, 2:30 pm
Nature\’s Society of Majestic Arts – Carriere, Mississippi
Meetings held at Visitors Center, Canton, MississippiMonthly Meetings – 10 am 2nd Saturady of each month
North Mississippi Gem and Mineral Club – Tupelo, Mississippi
Meetings held at Lee County Library, Madison St., TupeloAnnual Show – October
Newsletter – Earth Treasures
Monthly Meetings – 1 p..m. to 3 p. m., Third (3rd) Saturday monthly except July & Aug.
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Missouri
Earth Science Club of Missouri – Brentwood, Missouri
Meetings held at Brentwood Recreation CenterMonthly Meetings – 1st Friday, 7:30 pm (Sep-June)
Lake of the Ozarks Rock, Gem and Mineral Club – Gravois Mills, Missouri
Meetings held at Versailles Bank, Meeting RoomMonthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 pm
Independence Gem and Mineral Society – Independence, Missouri
Meetings held at Spring Branch School 20411 E. Trumann RoadMonthly Meetings – 3rd Thursday, 7:30pm (Sep-June)
Blue Ridge Gem and Mineral Society – Kansas City, Missouri
Meetings held at Church Basement 5757 Blue Ridge, RaytownMonthly Meetings – 3rd Tuesday 7:30 pm (Except Aug)
Show-Me Rockhounds Assoc – Kansas City, Missouri
Meetings held at Plaza Library Small meeting roomMonthly Meetings – 3rd Saturday 11am
Osage Rock And Mineral Club – Lebanon, Missouri
Meetings held at Central Bank; 2nd floor meeting room; 3848 Hwy 54; Osage BeachMonthly Meetings – 4th Thursday (Jan – Oct.) 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM; Nov 3rd. Thur; Dec – Xmas party
Mineral Area Gem & Mineral Society – Park Hills, Missouri
Meetings held at New Farmington Fire House, 222 East Columbia Street, FarmingtonMonthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM, except June and December
Pike County Mineral and Gem Society – New Hartford, Missouri
Meetings held at Bowling Green Community CenterMonthly Meetings – 2nd Saturday, 7:30 pm (except Jan)
Central Missouri Mineral, Fossil and Gem Society – Rolla, Missouri
Meetings held at Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources Div. of Geology and Land SurveyMonthly Meetings – 3rd Friday, 7:00 pm (except Dec)
Missouri Valley Gem and Mineral Club – Saint Joseph, Missouri
Meetings held at Joyce Raye Patterson Senior Citizens Center in St. Joseph, MOMonthly Meetings – 7:00pm on the second Tuesday of every month
Mozarkite Society of Lincoln – Sedalia, Missouri
Meetings held at First Christian Church, 200 S Limit, Sedalia MOMonthly Meetings – Last Tuesday each month, except December. 7:00 p.m
Newsletter – Mozarkite Newsletter
Ozark Mountain Gem and Mineral Society – Springfield, Missouri
Meetings held at Missouri Institute of Natural Science, 2327 W Farm Road 190, Springfield, MissouriMonthly Meetings – 6:30 pm on the 4th Monday of the month
Rockwood Gem and Mineral Society – St. Charles, Missouri
Meetings held at St. John\’s United Church of ChristMonthly Meetings – 4th Friday, 7:30 pm (Sep-June)
Mcdonnell Douglas Gem and Mineral Society – St. Louis, Missouri
Meetings held at Bldg. 271, Cornor of Phantom and AnglumMonthly Meetings – 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 pm
Rock Hobby Club of Greater St. Louis – St. Louis, Missouri
Meetings held atMonthly Meetings – 2nd Monday 7:30 pm(Sep-June)
St. Louis Mineral and Gem Society – St. Louis, Missouri
Meetings held at Washington University, Wilson HallMonthly Meetings – 1st Friday, 7:30 pm (Sep-May)
Central Missouri Rock and Lapidary Club – Columbia, Missouri
Meetings held at Boone Electric Cooperative 1413 Rangeline Rd (1 block south of I-70)Monthly Meetings – 1st Wednesday, 7:00 pm (Sep-June)
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Montana
Big Sky Rockhounds – Big Sky, Montana
Meetings held at Golden Eagle ClubhouseMonthly Meetings – 1st of each month, 5:30 pm
Billings Gem and Mineral Club – Billings, Montana
Meetings held at First Christian Church Cornor of 6th Ave. and 29th StMonthly Meetings – 1st Thursday at 7:00pm
Annual Show – September
Bozeman Gem and Mineral Club – Bozeman, Montana
Meetings held at Bozeman Senior Center 807 N. Tracy AveMonthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday, 7:00 pm
Newsletter – A Stone\’s Throw
Butte Mineral and Gem Club – Butte, Montana
Meetings held at Senior Citizens Center 25 W. FrontMonthly Meetings – 4th Tuesday at 7pm
Big Sky Facetors Guild – Great Falls, Montana
Meetings held at Montana School for Deaf and BlindMonthly Meetings – 4th Wednesday, 7:30 pm
Bitterroot Gem and Mineral Society – Hamilton, Montana
Meetings held at Corvallis Community Church 310 Second St CorvallisMonthly Meetings – Normally 2nd and 4th Tuesday of month at 7:00 pm (check website for exceptions)
Helena Mineral Society – Helena, Montana
Meetings held at Mountain West Bank ; 2021 N. Montana Ave.Monthly Meetings – 2nd Thursday of the month: 7 to 9 pm
Newsletter – The Helena Mineral Society Newsletter
Kalispell Rockhounds – Kalispell, Montana
Meetings held at Courthouse EastMonthly Meetings – 1st Monday, 7:30 pm
Lewistown Rockers Junior Club – Lewistown, Montana
Meetings held at Fergus County Sheriff Complex BasementMonthly Meetings – 3rd Monday 7:00 pm
Yellowstone Gem and Mineral Society – Livingston, Montana
Meetings held at West Rm. City/County ComplexMonthly Meetings – 4th Thursday, 7:30 pm
Yellowstone Agate Club – Miles City, Montana
Meetings held at location given after contacting 1001 N. Haynes Ave.Monthly Meetings – Inquire at address above
Hellgate Mineral Society – Missoula, Montana
Meetings held at Western Federsal Savings and Loan Southgate MallMonthly Meetings – 2nd Wedensday 7:30pm
Big Sky Rockhounds – Polson, Montana
Meetings held at St. Andrews Episcopal ChurchMonthly Meetings – 3rd Sunday, 1:30 pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Nebraska
Central Nebraska Rock & Mineral Society – Hastings, Nebraska
Meetings are held at members\’ homes.Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 8:00 PM
Fort Kearney Rock Club – Kearney, Nebraska
Meetings are held in the Campus Luthern Center.Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month (except July) @ 8:00 PM
Grand Island Earth Science Society – Grand Island, Nebraska
Meetings are held in Northwestern Energy\’s Blue Flame Room, 515 W 3rd St, Grand Island, NE.Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club – Lincoln, Nebraska
The purpose of the Lincoln Gem & Mineral Club is to promote an interest in, and desseminate knowledge of, Lapidary and various Earth Sciences including but not necessarily limited to geology, paleontology and mineralogy. It also provides education in these fields to its\’ members and to the general public; particularly youth and student groups.
Meetings are held at the Bethany Park Shelter House.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – Pick and Shovel
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month (except December and January) @ 7:00 PM. In December, the second Sunday @ 7:00 PM. In January, the fourth Saturday @ 7:00 PM
Loup Valley Gem & Mineral Society – Schuyler, Nebraska
The Loup Valley Gem & Mineral Society meets the first Tuesday of each month, from April to October, at 8:00 PM.Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month (April – October) @ 8:00 PM
Midstate Rock Club – Gibbon, Nebraska
The Midstate Rock Club meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held at members\’ homes.Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Nebraska Mineral & Gem Club – Omaha, Nebraska
The Nebraska Mineral & Gem Club meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Pipal Park Community Center in Omaha, NE.Monthly Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
North Central Nebraska Rockhounds – Marysville, Nebraska
The North Central Nebraska Rockhounds meets at pony express cafe 10 miles east of marysville KSMonthly Meetings – forth tuesday in the pony express cafe at 7:00 p.m.untill app. 8:30
Northeast Nebraska Rock & Mineral Society – Norfolk, Nebraska
The Northeast Nebraska Rock & Mineral Society meets the last Thursday of each month (except November) at 8:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Norfolk Senior Citizens Center.Monthly Meetings – Last Thursday of each month (except November) @ 8:00 PM
Panhandle Gem and Mineral Club – Scottsbluff, Nebraska
The Panhandle Gem and Mineral Club meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center, 4502 Ave I, Scottsbluff, NE.Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Prairie Rockhounds – Ogallala, Nebraska
The Prairie Rockhounds meets the third Thursday of each month. Meetings are held at members\’ homes.Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Nevada
Comstock Gold Prospectors – Reno, Nevada
Comstock Gold Prospectors are a registered non-profit club whose primary goal is to educate the public on the various methods of recreational prospecting and looking for gold without disrupting the balance of nature.They also do various fairs and town doings such as Windows Into History and Truckee Railroad Days, both held in Truckee, CA.Newsletter – The GOLD PAN
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Reno Gem & Mineral Society – Reno, Nevada
The Reno Gem & Mineral Society is a nonprofit corporation organized for the purpose of creating, developing, and encouraging interest in the earth sciences, gem, and mineral hobbies as well as locating and identifying various material through field trips.
Meetings are held at the Clubhouse, 480 South Rock Blvd., Sparks, NV.Newsletter – The Conglomerate
Monthly Meetings – First Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Southern Nevada Gem and Mineral Society – Las Vegas, Nevada
The Southern Nevada Gem and Mineral Society was organized to promote the interest and education in the various earth sciences, mineralogy and to foster the exchange of knowledge in lapidary techniques.
Meetings are held at the Eagles Lodge Fellowship Hall, 1601 E. Washington Ave., Las Vegas, NV. The Eagles are across the street from Cashman Field. If you come early we have a show and sell vendors (Members) from 5:00pm setup around the hall. Newsletter – The Polished Slab
Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month (except when there is a holiday, then it will be the second Monday, and in the month of December when we have our Awards Banquet and general meeting combined) @ 6:00 PM.
We also have our club shop at 3111 S. Valley View Blvd, St. E125 (NW corner industrial complex at Desert Inn and Valley View). The Shop hours are Wed.-Friday from 12pm to 9pm. Sat. from 10 am to 6pm, Sunday 12pm to 5pm. We are closed Mondays and Tuesdays except for classes in the evening Monday\’s alternate between Wire Wrapping, Polymer Clay and Beading, Tuesday evening Silver Smithing. We also have a Metal Smithing Class on Saturdays from 8am to 10am. All classes are $5.00 except the faceting class (Sunday\’s 8:00am to 12:00pm) it is $5:00 per hour. All instructors, officers, supervisors and trip leaders are volunteers.For a modest fee ($25.00 individual, $35.00 Family per year) you can join the organization and then have access to the club shop and equipment (all equipment is available for a modest fee of $5:00 per hour to support up grades and maintenance of that equipment) and classes there. We have supervisory individuals in the shop that will be more than happy to teach you all you need to know to cut and polish that rock, you find on our field trips, into beautiful cabochons to use in jewelry.
We have field trips each month announced at the meetings when the weather here permits.
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of New Hampshire
Capital Mineral Club – Concord, New Hampshire
The Capital Mineral Club provides the public with useful information regarding the subject of mineralogy, as well as sharing a growing collection of crystal and mineral photos on their website.
Meetings are held at the Salvation Army in Concord, NH. Newsletter – Crystal & Cabs Newsletter Library
Annual Show – August
Monthly Meetings – first Saturday @ 2:00 PM except Feb, July and August
Keene Mineral Club – Keene, New Hampshire
Founded in 1948, the Keene Mineral Club has always been an active group of collectors united by a common bond: their excitement about and love of collecting minerals. They have 100 or so members whose interests cover the full spectrum: crystals, minerals, gems, lapidary, micromounts, fossils and more.
Meetings are held in room SCIC 126 in the Science Building at Keene State College, Keene, NH.Newsletter – Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – First Saturday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 7:00 PM
Mineralogical Society of Brattleboro – Brattleboro, New Hampshire
The club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM. Meetings are held in the Brooks Memorial Library Meeting Room in Brattleboro, NH.Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 6:00 PM
Presidential Gem and Mineral Society – Jefferson, New Hampshire
Presidential Gem and Mineral Society, meets every 2nd Friday of the month, 6:30 p.m. at the Great North Woods Welcome Center, 25 Park St, Lancaster New Hampshire.
Saco Valley Gem and Mineral Club – Albany, New Hampshire
The Saco Valley Gem and Mineral Club supports collectors and enthusiasts of gems and minerals and related items in Albany, New Hampshire and surrounding areas.
The club meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Albany Town Hall, Route 16, in Albany, NH.
Southeastern New Hampshire Mineral Club – Durham, New Hampshire
The Southeastern New Hampshire Mineral Club seeks to educate its members and the general public about the subjects of mineralogy, archaeology, paleontology, mining, mineral collecting, lapidary work and allied subjects through discussions, lectures, classes in schools and public meetings, as well as laboratories and field trips.
The club meets the second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at St. John\’s Church, 28 Cataract Avenue, Dover, NH.
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of New Jersey
Cape-Atlantic Rockhounds Club – Cologne, New Jersey
The Cape-Atlantic Rockhounds Club is a non-profit organization that exists to further the interest of the community in geology, fossils, and lapidary.
Meetings are held at the Club House at 2653 Cologne Ave. Cologne, NJ 08213. Between RT.322 & RT.30 – SR.614. Annual Show-May % September
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Delaware Valley Earth Science Society – Berlin, New Jersey
The Delaware Valley Earth Science Society promotes interest, knowledge, and the development of skills in the earth sciences. These interests include mineralogy, Paleontology, lapidary arts, archeology, and location preservation. The society supports the conservation of natural resources, advocates the availability of collecting sites, and maintains close contact with those in the academic field.
Meetings are held at the Centenary United Methodist Church, 151 S White Horse Pike, Berlin, NJ.Newsletter – DVESScapades
Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
The Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society, Inc. (FOMS) – Franklin, NJ
The Franklin-Ogdensburg Mineralogical Society, Inprovides programs designed to benefit the community, mineral collectors, and others interested in the fluorescent minerals, mineralogy, and geology of the Franklin-Ogdensburg area of New Jersey.
Website: www.fomsnj.orgFacebook:
Annual Show – SHOW/SWAP: Last weekend of April and September, Littell Community Center; 10-12 Munsonhurst Rd, Franklin, NJ
Newsletter – The Picking Table
Monthly Meetings : We meet at 1:30pm on the 3rd Saturday of March, April, May, June, September, October and November. Meetings are open to the public and are held at the Franklin Mineral Museum, 32 Evans Street, Franklin, NJ 07416.
Morris Museum Mineralogical Society – Morristown, New Jersey
The Morris Museum Mineralogical Society was founded to promote interest and education in the various earth sciences and, in particular, the subjects of geology, mineralogy, paleontology, lapidary and related subjects.
Meetings are held at the Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ.Annual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:00 PM
New Jersey Paleontological Society – North Plainfield, New Jersey
The New Jersey Paleontological Society was formed for the educational and scientific pursuit of Paleontology and related Earth Sciences.
Meetings are held at the Bergen County Social Services Building in Paramus, NJ.Monthly Meetings – Monthly (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
North Jersey Mineralogical Society – Paterson, New Jersey
The goal of the North Jersey Mineralogical Society is to bring together people who have a common interest in the study of earth sciences and mineral collecting in the Northern New Jersey area. Their mission is to educate our membership and others on how to preserve and document the geology and minerology of Northern New Jersey as well as to collect and preserve representative specimens from the area.
Meetings are held at the Paterson Museum in Paterson, NJ.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – The Treasure Chest
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month (except July, August and December) @ 7:00 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of New Mexico
The Albuquerque Gem & Mineral Club – Albuquerque, New Mexico
The Albuquerque Gem & Mineral Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and enjoyment of the Earth Sciences and associated subjects. Its primary purpose is the exchange of information and the furtherance of knowledge of Mineralogy, Fossils, Geology, Rock Cutting and Gem Faceting and to stimulate interest in the development of these studies.
Meetings are held at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History in Albuquerque, NM.Annual Show – March and October
Newsletter – News Nuggets
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Monday of each month @ 7:30 PM
The Chaparral Rockhounds Gem And Mineral Club – Roswell, New Mexico
The Chaparral Rockhounds Gem And Mineral Club is a non-profit, tax-exempt, educational organization. It was first organized in April 1968 by a group of individuals interested in the earth sciences. Through the years, the diversity of members interests has greatly expanded. Club members (as with all rockhounds) strongly believe in having FUN while doing something both educational and constructive with their spare time.
Meetings are held at the Roswell Adult Center, 807 N. Missouri Ave., Roswell, NM.Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Deming Gem and Mineral Society – Deming, New Mexico
The Deming Gem and Mineral Society is an incorporated, non-profit organization dedicated to the knowledge, advancement and enjoyment of the earth sciences and associated subjects. The Society\’s primary purpose is the dissemination and furtherance of knowledge of mineralogy, gem cutting and geology, and to stimulate interest in the development of these studies.
Meetings are held at the Deming Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. building, 4200 Raymond Road Blvd., Deming, NM.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Rock Chips
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Thursday of each month @ 2:00 PM
Grant County Rolling Stones Gem and Mineral Society – Silver City, New Mexico
The purpose of the Grant County Rolling Stones Gem and Mineral Society is to exchange information & further members knowledge of mineralogy, gem cutting, and geology, and to stimulate interest in the development of these studies.
Meetings are held at the Silver City Senior Citizens Center, 204 W. Victoria, Silver City, NM.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – The Beacon
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 6:45 PM
Los Alamos Geological Society – Los Alamos, New Mexico
The Los Alamos Geological Society is a non-profit organization devoted to studying and promoting interest in geology, mineralogy, paleontology, and related subjects.
Meetings are held at the Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 2390 North Rd., Los Alamos, NM.Annual Show – May – June
Newsletter – The New Mexico Facetor
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of odd numbered months @ 7:00 PM
New Mexico Faceters Guild – Albuquerque, New Mexico
The purpose of the New Mexico Faceters Guild is to bring together persons who are interested in faceting or faceted stones. The guild promotes the art and science of faceting and provides a means of education and improvement in faceting skills.
Meetings are held at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History, 1801 Mountain Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM.Annual Show – August
Newsletter – Triassic Valley Bulletin
Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each odd-numbered month @ 7:00 PM
Roadrunner Gem & Mineral Club – Carlsbad, New Mexico
The Roadrunner Gem & Mineral Club welcomes everyone interested in anything having to do with rocks. They provide a forum to share interest and knowledge and to socialize with people with similar interests.
Meetings are held at the Senior Recreation Center, 1112 North Mesa St., Carlsbad, NM.Annual Show – June
Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Tularosa Basin Rock Hounds – Alamogordo, New Mexico
The Tularosa Basin Rock Hounds hold show & tell, share stories of good locations for collecting and help educate the public on all things rock.
Meetings are held at the First Christian Church of Alamogordo, 2300 23rd St., Alamogordo, NM.Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month (except June and July) @ 7:00 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of New York
Buffalo Geological Society – Buffalo, New York
The purpose of the Buffalo Geological Society is to engage in and encourage the study of Geological Sciences, the Lapidary Arts, the collection of fossils, minerals and rocks and to promote exhibits and sponsor excursions and field trips for the aforementioned purposes.
Meetings are held at the Parkside Lutheran Church in Buffalo, NY.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – Geoletter
Monthly Meetings – First Friday of each month, from October to April, @ 7:30 PM
Capital District Mineral Club – Albany, New York
The Capital District Mineral Club looks to promote and encourage the study of mineralogy and other allied sciences; to cooperate with educational and scientific institutions in order to bring about a better and more general understanding of earth sciences; and to sponsor, direct, and assist in the planning of excursions to mineral localities and other places of geological interest.
Meetings are held at the New York State Museum in Albany, NY.Annual Show – February
Newsletter – The Capital Rockhounder
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month (except June, July, August and December) @ 7:15 PM
Fulton County Mineral Club – Johnstown, New York
The Fulton County Mineral Club is a non-profit organization devoted to the collecting and study of minerals, gemstones, geology, paleontology and the lapidary arts as well as the love and deep appreciation of the great outdoors.
Meetings are held at the Gloversville Library, 58 East Fulton St., Gloversville, NY.Monthly Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Gem & Mineral Society of Syracuse, Inc. – Syracuse, New York
The Gem & Mineral Society of Syracuse is a community of individuals with interests that include collecting, identification and display of minerals and fossils, and many aspects of jewelry design and fabrication. Their goal is to stimulate Community interest in Mineralogy, Paleontology and the Lapidary Arts.
Meetings are held at the GMSS Clubhouse in the Shoppingtown Mall, 2nd Floor, Syracuse, NY.Annual Show – July
Newsletter – Crack \’n Cab
Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month (except July, August and December) @ 7:30 PM
Island Rock Hounds, Inc. – North Bellmore, New York
The purpose and objectives of the Island Rock Hounds, Inc. are to conduct a non-profit, non-political organization to provide the members opportunities for work study and stimulate in the public and membership, scientific and educational interest in geology, mineralogy, paleontology, archaeology and related earth sciences, as as lapidary craftsmanship, gemology, and related subjects, and to offer a cultural and social exchange for persons interested in the aforementioned.
Meetings are held at the Bellmore Public Library, 2288 Bedford Ave., Bellmore, NY.Annual Show – June
Newsletter – Rock Bottom Facts
Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:45 PM
The Long Island Mineral and Geology Society – Long Island, New York
The Long Island Mineral and Geology Society is dedicated to furthering the study of the Earth Sciences and encouraging the participation in the enjoyment of the mineral, geological and lapidary fields.
Meetings are held at the George Young Community Center, 446 S. Jamesport Avenue, Jamesport, Long Island, NY.Annual Show – June
Newsletter – Rock Bottom Facts
Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:45 PM
Mid-Hudson Valley Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. – Poughkeepsie, New York
The Mid-Hudson Valley Gem & Mineral Society is a society for people who love rocks, gems, fossils, field collecting, jewelry-making, and general earth science. In other words, people known as \”rockhounds.\”
Meetings are held at the Friends Meeting House, 249 Hooker Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY.Annual Show – September
Newsletter – The Garnet Gazette
Monthly Meetings – Third Friday of each month (except September) @ 7:30 PM
New York Mineralogical Club – New York, New York
The New York Mineralogical Club is the oldest, continually operating, true mineral club in the United States. Founded in 1886 in fact, before the Statue of Liberty was dedicated. The club is dedicated to increasing interest in the science of mineralogy through the collecting, describing and displaying of minerals and associated gemstones.
Meetings are held at the Holiday Inn, 440 W. 57 Street, New York, NY.Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) @ 6:30 PM
New York Paleontological Society – New York, New York
The New York Paleontological Society was founded as a forum to inform and educate its members and the public at large concerning the nature, interrelationships and evolutionary development of all kinds of living things throughout geologic time – especially through the study of their fossils and allied geological information.
Meetings are held in room 319 at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY.Annual Show – December
Newsletter – Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – Third Sunday of each month @ 2:00 PM
New York Southern Tier Geology Club – Johnson City, New York
Meetings are held at the Johnson City Senior Center, Johnson City, NY.Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Orange County Mineral Society of New York – Middletown, New York
The Orange County Mineral Society is a mineral club that focuses on the minerals of Orange County, NY and the surrounding areas. Their goal is to share knowledge and teach
people about the history of the mines and mineralogy of Orange County, New York.
Annual Show – June the Show is held at Museum Village, Monroe, NY 10950
Newsletter – Shale Mail
Monthly Meetings : We meet on the 2nd Friday of each month at The Chester Senior Center, 81 Laroe Road, Chester, NY 10918 at 6:30 PM.
Rochester Academy of Science Mineral Section – Rochester, New York
The Rochester Academy of Science Mineral Section is an organization of individuals who enjoy collecting, studying, or just learning more about minerals.
Meetings are held at the Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave., Rochester NY.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – RocKester News
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month (except April) @ 7:30 PM and does not meet in July or August, and sometimes not in June.
Rochester Lapidary Society – Rochester, New York
The Rochester Lapidary Society is a non-profit organization devoted to the collecting and study of minerals, gemstones, geology, paleontology and the lapidary arts (stone cutting, stone carving, polishing, faceting and jewelry making), as well as the love and deep appreciation of the great outdoors.
Meetings are held at Forrester Hall in the Rochester School for the Deaf, 1545 St. Paul St., Rochester, NY.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Saint Lawrence Co. Rock & Mineral Club – St. Lawrence, New York
Meetings are held at the Canton Library, in Canton, NY.Annual Show – August
Newsletter – Rock Pickens
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month (except January and February) @ 6:30 PM
Staten Island Geological Society – Staten Island, New York
The Staten Island Geological Society provides a forum for Staten Island residents who are interested in Geology and science in general.
Meetings are held at the Father Hicks Center in St Clare\’s School, 151 Lindenwood Rd., Great Kills, Staten Island, NY.Newsletter – GEOEXAMINER
Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Suffolk Gem & Mineral Club – Bohemia, New York
The purpose of the Suffolk Gem and Mineral Club is to promote cultural, educational, and scientific interest in mineralogy, and develop member\’s skills in lapidary arts jewelry crafts.
Meetings are held at the Bayshore-Brightwaters Public Library, in Brightwaters, NY.Annual Show – December
Newsletter – The Conglomerate
Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Wayne County Gem And Mineral Club – Newark, New York
The objective of the Wayne County Gem And Mineral Club is to stimulate an interest in the Earth Sciences and in the collecting and classification of minerals and fossils and in the art of gem cutting.
Meetings are held at the Park Presbyterian Church, Maple Court St., Newark, NY.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Wayne County Gem & Mineral Club News
Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of North Carolina
Cape Fear Mineral and Gem Society – Fayetteville, North Carolina
The Cape Fear Mineral and Gem Society is dedicated to the education and enjoyment of it\’s members and the community with respect to rocks, minerals, jewelry, lapidary arts and all things related.
We meet the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. Call Maureen, (910) 916-8532, for location.
Catawba Valley Gem & Mineral Club – Hickory, North Carolina
The goals of the Catawba Valley Gem & Mineral Club are to increase knowledge of the earth sciences; hold exhibitions, field trips, contests and lectures; promote fellowship and exchange of ideas; and aid development of lapidary & related arts/skills.
Meetings are held at St. Aloysius Catholic Church, 921 2nd St. NE, Hickory, NC.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – Tar Heel Rockhound
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Central North Carolina Mineral Club – Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Meetings are held at the Seymour Senior Center, 2551 Homestead Rd., Chapel Hill, NC.Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Charlotte Gem and Mineral Club – Charlotte, NC
The purpose of the Charlotte Gem and Mineral Club is to foster interest in, and promote knowledge of, minerals, gems, fossils, and all earth sciences. They also disseminate information and instruction in the lapidary arts and the utilization of precious metals in their crafts.
Meetings are held at the Tyvola Senior Center, 2225 Tyvola Rd., Charlotte, NC.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – Gold Rush Ledger
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Forsyth Gem & Mineral Club – Winston-Salem, North Carolina
The Forsyth Gem & Mineral Club is an active organization with monthly meetings, field trips and a yearly gem show. They were established in the early \’70s because they love rocks!
Meetings are held at the Vulcan Materials Company\’s Training Center, 4401 N. Patterson Ave., Winston-Salem, NC.Annual Show – Septmber
Newsletter – Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month (except September and December) @ 7:30 PM
Gaston Gem, Mineral, and Faceters Club – Gastonia, North Carolina
The Gaston Gem, Mineral, and Faceters Club is a non-profit educational organization with the purpose of increasing the knowledge and interest of its members and the public in the areas of Geology, Mineralogy, Lapidary Arts and other related fields.
Meetings are held at the Adult Recreation Center, 529 W. Franklin Blvd., Gastonia, NC.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Gem and Mineral Society of Franklin, NC – Franklin, North Carolina
The objectives of the Gem and Mineral Society of Franklin shall be to effect a close association of those who are interested in the study of gems, rocks, minerals and the sciences and arts related to them.
Meetings are held at the Macon County Recreation Park Building, 1228 Georgia Hwy., Franklin, NC.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – The Mountain Gem
Monthly Meetings – Last Thursday of each month (except November and December) @ 6:30 PM
Greensboro Gem and Mineral Club – Greensboro, North Carolina
The objectives of the Greensboro Gem and Mineral Club are to promote interest and knowledge of gems, minerals, fossils, and earth sciences as well as to provide instruction and information about rock-hounding and the lapidary arts and crafts. These objectives are achieved through classes, workshops, field trips, and regular club meetings.
Meetings are held at the New Garden Friends Meeting Hall, 801 New Garden Rd., Greensboro, NC.Newsletter – The Piedmont Prospector
Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month (except holidays) @ 7:00 PM
Henderson County Gem and Mineral Society – Hendersonville, North Carolina
Meetings are held at the Salvation Army Building, 239 3rd St., Hendersonville, NC.Annual Show – Septmber
Newsletter – High Country Gleamings
Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month (except December) @ 7:30 PM
Mountain Area Mineral & Gem Association – Leicester, North Carolina
The Mountain Area Mineral & Gem Association is very active in promoting Rockhounding, Mineralogy, Geology, and Earth Science in the community. They work hand in hand with the Forest Service to keep collecting sites in the National and State Forests open to all Rockhounds. They also work with private property owners to maintain collecting sites on their property.Annual Show – October
North Carolina Fossil Club – Raleigh, North Carolina
The North Carolina Fossil Club was formed to engage in and support the study, enjoyment, and collection of fossils. They conduct a number of field trips each year, both in North Carolina and out of state.
Meetings are held at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, NC.Monthly Meetings – Third Sunday of January, March, May, July and September @ 1:30 PM
Rockingham County Mineral Club – Reidsville, North Carolina
Meetings are held at the Carriage House of the Penn House, in Reidsville, NC.Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Sandhills Gem and Mineral Society – Southern Pines, North Carolina
The Sandhills Gem and Mineral Society is a small group of people in the community that share a passion for learning about and collecting gemstones and minerals.
Meetings are held at the Van Dusen Hall of the Sandhills Community College, 3395 Airport Rd., Pinehurst, NC.Monthly Meetings – Fourth Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Southern Appalachian Mineral Society – Asheville, North Carolina
The goals of the Southern Appalachian Mineral Society are to promote popular interest and education in the various earth sciences, in particular, mineralogy; to foster exchange of knowledge of lapidary techniques; and to promote good fellowship.
Meetings are held at Tuton Hall Community Center at the Deerfield Episcopal Retirement Community, 1617 Hendersonville Rd., Asheville, NC.Newsletter – Mountain Mineral Monthly
Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month (except January and September) @ 7:00 PM
Tar Heel Gem and Mineral Club – Raleigh, North Carolina
The main objectives of the Tar Heel Gem and Mineral Club are to investigate, preserve, and share knowledge of rocks, minerals, and precious stones, and to promote interest in mineralogy, paleontology, earth sciences, and lapidary techniques, among club members and among the general public.
Meetings are held at the Crafts Center in Thompson Hall on the NCSU campus, in Raleigh, NC.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – The Tar Heel Tailings
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month (except December) @ 7:30 PM
Tri-State Lapidary Club – Mount Olive, North Carolina
The club meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at 820 South Main St., Fuquay Varina, NC.Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Western Piedmont Gem and Mineral Club – Conover, North Carolina
The purpose of the Western Piedmont Gem and Mineral Club is to stimulate interest and share knowledge of gems, minerals, and the lapidary arts.
Meetings are held at the Conover YMCA in the Red Barn behind the main building, 1104 E. Conover Blvd., Conover, NC.Annual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month (except June and December) @ 6:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of North Dakota
Central Dakota Gem & Mineral Society – Bismark, North Dakota
The goals of the Central Dakota Gem & Mineral Society are to further the study of mineralogy and geology and share that knowledge with the public; to arrange field trips to collect minerals, gems, and fossils; and to help its members improve their skills with cutting, polishing, and mounting gem material.
Meetings are held at the Masonic Center, 1810 Schafer St., Bismarck, ND.Annual show – Septmber
Monthly Meetings – First Sunday of each month, from November – March, @ 2:00 PM; from April – October @ 7:00 PM
North Dakota Geological Society – Bismark, North Dakota
The main goal of the North Dakota Geological Society is to increase the awareness of geology and earth science in the everyday lives of people. They provide educational materials to schools, sponsor educational events, and have provided help or funding to many special projects throughout the state.
Meetings are held at the North Dakota Heritage Center, in Bismarck, ND.Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 12:00 PM
Lake Agassiz Rock Club – Fargo, North Dakota
The Lake Agassiz Rock Club is a public group interested in collecting/trading rocks and minerals and learning about geology.
The club meets the first Wednesday of each month (except June, July and August) at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held on the NDSU campus in Stevens Hall, Room 136, Fargo, ND.Newsletter – The Buffalo Rock
Monthly Meetings – second Monday of each month (excepting the summer months) at 7:30PM.
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Ohio
Akron Mineral Society – Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Meetings are held at the Clubroom, 244 Chestnut Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls, OH.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – MWF News
Monthly Meetings – 2nd Saturday of each month @ 6:30pm
Brukner Gem and Mineral Club – Troy, Ohio
The Brukner Gem & Mineral Club is a non-profit organization. They are a relaxed group that likes to have fun and learn all they can about rocks, minerals, gems, and fossils.
Meetings are held at the Brukner Nature Center, 5995 Horseshoe Bend Rd., Troy, OH.Annual Show – August
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Cincinnati Mineral Society – Cincinnati, Ohio
The Cincinnati Mineral Society is a non-profit association of amateur mineralogist and geologist formed to promote mineral collecting and to help teach the earth sciences and natural history.
Meetings are held at the Sharon Centre Auditorium, located in Sharon Woods Park, Cincinnati, OH.Annual Show – May
Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month (except July and August) @ 8:00 PM
Greater Cincinnati Lapidary & Faceting Society – Cincinnati, Ohio
Meeting 2nd Mondays of each month at Symmes Township Library 7:00pm 11850 Enyart, Loveland OH. –
Contact: Ray Scott 513-800-9818
Columbus Rock and Mineral Society – Columbus, Ohio
Meetings are held at the Electric Union Meeting Hall, 947 Goodale Ave, Grandview Hts., Columbus, OH.Annual Show – April
Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month (except July and August) @ 8:00 PM
Dayton Gem & Mineral Society – Dayton, Ohio
The members of the Dayton Gem & Mineral Society have many interests in the world of Gems, Minerals, Fossils, and Rocks. Their members are involved in lapidary, mineral collecting, micro minerals collecting, fossil collecting, flint knapping, and rock collections.
Meetings are held at 1400 E. 5th St., Dayton, OH.Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Dry Dredgers – Cincinnati, Ohio
The Dry Dredgers is an association of amateur geologists dedicated to the knowledge and enjoyment of fossils. Its aim is to stimulate interest in geology, to encourage the collection and identification of fossils, and to participate in field trips and exhibitions.
Meetings are held in Room 201, on the second Floor of Braunstein Hall on the UC East campus, Cincinnati, OH.Annual Show – May
Newsletter – Geochemistry and You
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Friday of each month (except July and August) @ 8:00 PM
East Ohio Lapidary Club, Inc. – Warren, Ohio
Meetings are held on the first floor of the St. Cyril & Methodius School, 185 Laird Ave. NE, Warren, OH.Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month @ 8:00 PM
Greater Cincinnati Lapidary and Faceting Society – Loveland, Ohio
The goal of the Greater Cincinnati Lapidary and Faceting Society is to advance lapidary and faceting skills while introducing beginners to the art of working with stone and crystals. They accomplish this through mutual exchange of information between members and through guest speakers, demonstrations, and exhibits.
Meetings are held at the Symmes Township Library, 11850 E. Enyart, Loveland, OH.Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Licking County Rock & Mineral Society – Newark, Ohio
Meetings are held at Heritage Hall, 1058 E. Main St., Newark, OH.Monthly Meetings – Fourth Wednesday of each month (except November and December) @ 6:30 PM
Miami Valley Mineral and Gem Club – Springfield, Ohio
The objectives of the Miami Valley Mineral and Gem Club are to promote interest and increased knowledge in the fields of mineralogy, geology, and the lapidary arts; to further the art of mounting and setting stones; and to encourage the collecting, identifying and displaying of specimens in these fields.
Meetings are held at Hartman Rock Garden, 1905 Russell Ave., Springfield, OH.Newsletter – Chip and Lick
Monthly Meetings – Second Sunday of each month (except July and August) @ 2:00 PM
Micromineral Society of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History – Cleveland, Ohio
The Micromineral Society is for those interested in the study and appreciation of mineral specimens that require the use of magnification for viewing. Members share and extend their knowledge of minerals by attending shows, going on field trips, donating specimens and volunteering in support of the Museum\’s important micromineral collection.
Meetings are held at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, in Cleveland, OH.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – Micromineral Society of The Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Saturday of each month @ 1:00 PM
North Coast Fossil Club – Cleveland, Ohio
The objectives of North Coast Fossil Club are to encourage the closer association of persons interested in fossils; to promote the responsible collection, preparation, and study of fossils; and to foster education in paleontology, geology and related subjects.
Meetings are held at the Parma-Snow Branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library, in Parma, OH.Annual Show – January
Monthly Meetings – Third Saturday of each month @ 10:00 AM
Parma Lapidary Club – Cleveland, Ohio
The purpose of the Parma Lapidary Club is to stimulate interest in the lapidary and metalworking arts and in geology, mineralogy, paleontology, and other related earth sciences. It is also to promote understanding and appreciation of those arts and sciences; and to provide opportunities for learning and development of skills in those fields both for their members and for the general public.
Meetings are held at the Club Room & Workshop, 2130 W. 110th St., Cleveland, OH.Annual Show – May
Newsletter – Rock Box
Monthly Meetings – First Wednesday of each month (except July) @ 7:30 PM
Richland Lithic and Lapidary Society – Mansfield, Ohio
The purpose of the Richland Lithic and Lapidary Society is to create an interest in the study of the earth sciences and all lapidary arts. They also offer the opportunity to share knowledge and working techniques with others.
Meetings are held at the Gorman Nature Center, 2295 Lexington Ave., Mansfield, OH.Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Summit Lapidary Club – Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
The goal of the Summit Lapidary Club is to afford the opportunity to share interest in lapidary knowledge and working techniques; and to foster an interest in a variety of lapidary arts, such as gem and mineral collecting, jewelry making, silversmithing and faceting.
Meetings are held at 244 Chestnut Blvd., Cuyahoga Falls, OH.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Summit Gem Newsletter
Weekly Meetings – Every Tuesday @ 7:00 PM
Toledo Gem and Rockhound Club – Toledo, Ohio
The mission of the Toledo Gem and Rockhound Club is to promote and stimulate popular interest and education in the study of geology, mineralogy, paleontology, lapidary, and other related subjects and through membership in the corporation to sponsor and provide means of coordinating the work and efforts of all persons or groups interested therein.
Meetings are held at the Conference Center Building at the Toledo Botanical Gardens, 5403 Elmer Dr., Toledo, OH.Annual Show – September
Newsletter – Rocky Reader
Monthly Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Oklahoma
Ada Gem, Mineral and Fossil Club – Wetumka, Oklahoma
The Ada Gem, Mineral and Fossil Club is an educational organization dedicated to the advancement and enhancement of rock, mineral, and fossil collecting; the study of local geology and earth science; the development of the lapidary arts; and the exchange of ideas, information, and comradery between individuals and other groups with similar interests and purposes.
Meetings are held at the Ada Public Library, 124 S. Rennie St., Ada, OK.Annual Show – March – April
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Enid Gem And Mineral Society – Enid, Oklahoma
The purpose of the Enid Gem And Mineral Society is to promote the study and appreciation of rocks, gems, minerals and fossils.
Meetings are held at the Hoover Building of the Garfield County Fairgrounds, in Enid, OK.Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month (except September and December) @ 7:00 PM
McCurtain Gem and Mineral Club – Idabel, Oklahoma
The McCurtain Gem and Mineral Club is a non profit club to promote earth sciences – especially rocks, minerals, fossils, crystals and related crafts.
Meetings are held at the Museum of the Red River, in Idabel, OK.Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday @ 7:30 PM
Oklahoma Mineral and Gem Society – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
The Oklahoma Mineral and Gem Society are earth science enthusiasts whose hobby is gems, minerals and fossils. Member interests include Paleontology, Fossil Collecting, Geology, Mineral Collecting, Lapidary Arts, Faceting, StoneCarving, Knapping, Gems, Gem Trees, Making Jewelry, including Channel Work, Silversmithing, Goldsmithing, Wire Wrap, Beads, and more.
Meetings are held at the Will Rogers Garden Exhibition Building, 3400 NW 36th, Oklahoma City, OK.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – Rockologist
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Pick and Hammer Club – Norman, Oklahoma
Pick & Hammer is the student geology association at the University of Oklahoma. Pick & Hammer is a great way to meet people who share an interest in geology.
The club posts meeting times and dates on its page. Meetings are held on the UO campus in Norman, OK.Monthly Meetings – Check club page for details
Rough & Tumbled Rock & Gem Club – Ponca City, Oklahoma
The club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Albright United Methodist Church, in Ponca City, OK.Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Shawnee Gem and Mineral Society – Shawnee, Oklahoma
The Shawnee Gem and Mineral Society was founded for the purpose of studying and appreciating rocks, minerals, gems, and fossils.
Meetings are held at the First United Bank Conference Room, 912 E. Independence St., Shawnee, OK.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – The Shawnee Slate
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Stillwater Mineral & Gem Society – Stillwater, Oklahoma
Meetings are held at the First United Methodist Church, 400 W. 7th Ave., Stillwater, OK.Newsletter – The Rockhound Gazette
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Thursday of each month (except November and December) @ 7:00 PM
Tahlequah Rock & Mineral Society – Tahlequah, Oklahoma
Meetings are held at the Tahlequah Public Library, 120 S. College Ave., Tahlequah, OK.Newsletter – The Cherokee Rockhound
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society – Tulsa, Oklahoma
The Tulsa Rock and Mineral Society, Inc. promotes interest in rocks, minerals, fossils, artifacts, gem stones, lapidary, jewelry-making, and all forms of earth science. They support education by providing programs for schools and adult groups year-round, and provide funds for scholarships in the earth sciences.
Meetings are held in the Aaronson Auditorium of the Tulsa City-County Library, 400 Civic Center, Tulsa, OK.Annual Show – July
Newsletter – T-Town Rockhound
Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Oregon
Clackamette Gem and Mineral Club – Oregon City, Oregon
The Clackamette Gem and Mineral Club promotes interest in the lapidary arts and earth sciences through collecting gems, education, sharing and presentation of their annual Rock and Gem Show.
Meetings are held at Kraxberger Hall in the Zion Lutheran Church basement, 720 Jefferson St., Oregon City, OR.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Columbia Gorge Rockhounds – Corbett, Oregon
The group meets the third Friday of each month at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held at the Fireman\’s Recreation Hall, in Ccrbett, OR.Monthly Meetings – Third Friday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Columbia-Willamette Faceters\’ Guild – Portland, Oregon
The Columbia-Willamette Faceters\’ Guild is dedicated to the advancement of faceting gemstones through education. They are a diversified mix of Master cutters, professional members and hobbyists. The guild provides educational and personal assistance for the Novice and Advanced craftsman.
Meetings are held at the Oregon Museum of Science & Industry, 1945 SE Water Ave., Portland, OR.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – Facets
Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Eugene Mineral Club – Eugene, Oregon
The Eugene Mineral Club promotes the collection and study of minerals and geological specimens, and the lapidary arts.
Meetings are held at the Community Room of the Eugene Water & Electric Board, 500 E. 4th, Eugene, OR.Newsletter – Emerald Gems
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:00 PM
Far West Lapidary & Gem Society – Coos Bay, Oregon
The society meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Faith Luthern Church, 2741 Sherman Ave., North Bend, OR.Monthly Meetings – First and third Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Hatrockhounds Gem & Mineral Society – Hermiston, Oregon
The Hatrockhounds Gem & Mineral Society are a group of individuals who come together to share their interests and expertise in the wonders that nature has to offer.
Meetings are held at the First Christian Church, 775 W. Highland Ave., Hermiston, OR.Annual Show – May
Newsletter – Hatrockhound Gazette
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Malheur County Rock & Gem Club – Ontario, Oregon
The club meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Malheur County Extension Office, 710 SW 5th Ave., Ontario, OR.Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 6:00 PM
Millennium Diggers Club – Keizer, Oregon
The Millennium Diggers Club seeks to provide members with a club that will help promote the hobbies of metal detecting, prospecting, rock hounding, and treasure hunting.
Meetings are held at the Clear Lake United Methodist Church, 920 Marks Dr., Keizer, OR.Newsletter – Millennium Diggers Club
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Mount Hood Rock Club – Gresham, Oregon
The Mount Hood Rock Club was founded for the purpose of bringing together those that have an interest in the collection and identification of rocks, gems, minerals, petrified wood and fossils.
Meetings are held in the basement of the United Methodist Church in Gresham, OR.Annual Show – April
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday and fourth Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
North America Research Group – Beaverton, Oregon
The mission of the North America Research Group is to encourage responsible stewardship of earth\’s paleontological resources; to promote scientific research, communication and public education.
Meetings are held at the Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals, 26385 NW Groveland Dr., Hillsboro, OR.Annual Show – August
Newsletter – NARG Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – First Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
North Lincoln Agate Society – Lincoln City, Oregon
The North Lincoln Agate Society seeks to educate the public concerning the lapidary arts and earth sciences such as geology, fossils, minerals, and gemstones, through such manner and means as may be selected by the members including, without limitation, club meetings and club-sponsored field trips, lectures, seminars, craft workshops, and special shows and events.
The society meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. Meetings are held in the Community Room at Jetty Apartments, 426 SE Jetty Ave., Lincoln City, OR.Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Oregon Agate & Mineral Society – Portland, Oregon
The goal of the Oregon Agate & Mineral Society is to promote the rock hobby and educate those interested in learning about the lapidary arts, in collecting, and in just enjoying Earth\’s many natural geological treasures.
Meetings are held at the Powelhurst Baptist Church, 3435 SE 112th Ave., Portland, OR.Monthly Meetings – First and third Friday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Oregon Coast Agate Club – Newport, Oregon
The memebers of the Oregon Coast Agate Club are Cabachon cutters, Facetors, Fossil and Mineral collectors, Wire Wrap Jewelry crafters and more. They invite anyone interested in these fields to come join them.
Meetings are held at the Central Lincoln PUD Bldg., 2129 N. Coast Hwy 101, Newport, OR.Annual Show – June
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Rock & Arrowhead Club of Klamath Falls – Klamath Falls, Oregon
The objective of the Rock & Arrowhead Club of Klamath Falls is to promote popular interest, knowledge and understanding in the various earth sciences, as in Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology and Lapidary and other related subjects. To sponsor and provide means of coordinating the work and efforts of all persons interested therein.
Meetings are held at the Klamath County Museum Meeting Room in Klamath Falls, OR.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – Dusty Rocks Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month (except December) @ 7:00 PM
Rogue Gem & Geology Club – Grants Pass, Oregon
The purpose of the Rogue Gem & Geology Club is to foster healthful fellowship among its members while pursuing the activities and knowledge of the earth sciences and to serve the community by introducing its young people and adults to the wonders of the mineral world.
Meetings are held at the Fruitdale Grange, 960 Rogue River Hwy, Grants Pass, OR.Monthly Meetings – First Wednesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Roxy Ann Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. – Central Point, Oregon
The mission of the Roxy Ann Gem & Mineral Society is to educate and enlighten people of all ages through the study of earth sciences, geology, lapidary, mineralogy, natural history and paleontology by conducting tours, teaching classes, and maintaining museum displays.
Meetings are held at the Crater Rock Museum, 2002 Scenic Ave., Central Point, OR.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – The Rock Chipper
Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month @ 7:30 PM
South Douglas Gem & Mineral Club – Myrtle Creek, Oregon
The South Douglas Gem & Mineral Club was founded for the purpose of preserving, collecting, cutting and polishing natural stones and gemstones, promoting public interest and activitirs in all phases of mineralogy,goelogy,rock collecting and related subjects, and to provide know-how and expertise in the lapidary arts among its members and the public at large.
The club meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Myrtle Creek Grange Hall, 661 Riverside Dr., Myrtle Beach, OR.Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Springfield Thunderegg Rock Club – Springfield, Oregon
The Springfield Thunderegg Rock Club is dedicated to sharing the world of Geology and Lapidary with the young and old alike.
Meetings are held at the Willamalane Adult Activity Center, 215 W. \”C\” St., Springfield, OR.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Sweet Home Rock & Mineral Society – Lebanon, Oregon
The society meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Meetings are held at Santiam Place, 139 Main St., Lebanon, OR.Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Tualatin Valley Gem Club – Forest Grove, Oregon
The Tualatin Valley Gem Club was created solely and exclusively for educational and scientific purposes limited to the natural earth sciences. They are also Rock Hounds, Lapidaries. Jewelers, Faceters and more.
The club meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held at the Forest Grove Senior Center, 2037 Douglas, Forest Grove, OR.Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Umpqua Gem & Mineral Club – Roseburg, Oregon
The club meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held in Conference Room 2 at the Mercy Community Education Building, 2459 Stewart Parkway, Roseburg, OR.Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Willamette Agate & Mineral Society – Salem, Oregon
The Willamette Agate & Mineral Society was organized to stimulate interest in the study and collection of agates, minerals, gems and fossils, and support lapidary work, education, scientific study of natural earth sciences.
Meetings are held at the Salem 50+ Center, 2615 Portland Rd. NE, Salem, OR.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – Rockhound Rumblings
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Pennsylvania
Berks Mineralogical Society – Reading, Pennsylvania
Meetings are held at the Reading Public Museums\’ Auditorium, in Reading, PA.Annual Show – May
Newsletter – The Geode
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Central Pennsylvania Rock and Mineral Club, Inc. – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
The Central Pennsylvania Rock and Mineral Club, Inc. was established to encourage the interest, enjoyment, and appreciation of members, prospective members, and the public for rocks, minerals, gems, fossils, and the lapidary arts.
Meetings are held at St. Thomas United Church of Christ, 6490 Linglestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Rock Buster News
Monthly Meetings – meets the second Thursday of each month (except August and December) at 7:00 PM.
Che-Hanna Rock & Mineral Club, Inc. – Sayre, Pennsylvania
The Che-Hanna Rock & Mineral Club was organized for the purpose of studying and collecting rock, mineral, fossil and shell specimens, and to develop skills in the lapidary arts.
Meetings are held in the high school cafeteria on Lockhart Street, Sayre, PA.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – Shin-Skinner News
Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month (except June, July, August and December) @ 7:00 PM
Delaware Valley Paleontological Society – Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
The Delaware Valley Paleontological Society is a nonprofit educational organization chartered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. They are a diverse group of people, ranging from amateurs to avocational and professional paleontologists brought together by their uncommon common interest.
Meetings are held at the Academy of Natural Sciences, in Philadelphia, PA.Annual Show – April
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Thursday of each month (except July, August, November and December) @ 7:30 PM; Third Thursday of the month in November and December @ 7:30 PM
Franklin County Rock and Mineral Club – Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Meetings are held in the Science Center of Wilson College, in Chambersburg, PA.Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Gem City Rock & Mineral Society – Erie, Pennsylvania
The purpose of the Gem City Rock and Mineral Society is the education and promotion of all aspects of this hobby — fossils, minerals, shells, artifacts, lapidary and most recently, jewelry.
Meetings are held in the basement of the Renaissance Centre Bldg., 1001 State St., Erie, PA.Annual Show – July
Newsletter – Gem City Rock and Mineral Society
Monthly Meetings – First Saturday of each month @ 9:30 AM
Kit-Han-Ne Rock and Gem Club – Kittanning, Pennsylvania
Meetings are held at Rogers Chapel in Clinton, PAAnnual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month (except June and December) @ 7:00 PM
Leidy Microscopical Society – Holicong, Pennsylvania
Meetings are held at the Northminster Presbyterian Church, 140 Trenton Rd., Fairless Hills, PA.Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Mineralogical Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania – Moosic, Pennsylvania
The Mineralogical Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania is quite diversified in their interests which include mineral and fossil appreciation and collecting, cabachoning, wirewrapping, jewelry making, designing mineral centerpieces and gem trees.
Meetings are held at the Moosic Presbyterian Church Reading Room, 625 Main St., Moosic, PA.Annual Show – May
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Sunday of each month (except May, June, July, August and December) @ 2:00 PM
Monongahela Rockhounds – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The Monongahela Rockhounds promote, among its members and the general public, an interest in collection of minerals, fossils, and associated items; the use of these items in lapidary work; and the study and classification of minerals, gemstones, and other items of such nature.
Meetings are held at Munhall Borough Bldg., 1900 West St., Homestead, PA.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – Monongahela Rockhound News
Monthly Meetings – First Saturday of each month (except July, August and December) @ 7:30 PM
Monroe County Earth Science Association – Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
The Monroe County Earth Science Association was established to stimulate interest in mineralogy, lapidary, paleontology and all earth science related subjects.
Meetings are held at the Eastern Monroe Public Library, in Stroudsburg, PA.Newsletter – Newsletter of the Monroe County Earth Science Association
Monthly Meetings – First Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Moraine Rockbusters – Mars, Pennsylvania
The Moraine Rockbusters, Inc. is dedicated to promoting interest and education in the earth sciences, and to cooperate with educational and scientific institutions or other groups engaged in increasing the knowledge and popular interest in geology, mineralogy, the lapidary arts, and related subjects.
Meetings are held at the United Presbyterian Church in Mars, PA.Newsletter – Glacier Gravel
Monthly Meetings – Second Saturday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Nittany Mineralogical Society, Inc. – State College, Pennsylvania
The goals of the Nittany Mineralogical Society are to educate those interested or potentially interested in the various Earth Sciences; to provide a means whereby those interested in minerals and rocks can exchange ideas, specimens and experiences; and to foster in the minds of the public an appreciation for minerals, rocks and gems.
Meetings are held at Penn State\’s Earth and Engineering Sciences Building, in State College, PA.Annual Show – June
Monthly Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month (except June and July) @ 7:30 PM
Pennsylvania Earth Sciences Association – Allentown, Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Earth Sciences Association was created to promote the study of the earth sciences; to provide a means to exchange ideas, knowledge, experiences and specimens; to foster a true appreciation in the mind of the public for rocks, minerals, fossils, and the lapidary arts; to promote the scientific study of minerals; and to encourage the search for new mineral species in Pennsylvania.
Meetings are held at Helfrich Springs Grist Mill, in Whitehall Township, PA.Annual Show – June and October
Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Philadelphia Mineralogical Society – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The purpose of the Philadelphia Mineralogical Society is to foster the study and appreciation of minerals by providing for the closer association of students, serious amateurs, professionals and others interested in mineralogy and related earth sciences.
Meetings are held at Cathedral Village, 600 E. Cathedral Rd., Philadelphia, PA.Annual Show – April
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Pittsburgh Geological Society – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The goals of the Pittsburgh Geological Society are to stimulate geologic thought, to advance and disseminate geologic knowledge and to provide a forum for geologic problems.
Meetings are held at Foster Plaza, Building 10, 680 Andersen Dr., Pittsburgh, PA.Annual Show – April
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Rock And Mineral Club of Lower Bucks County – Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania
The club meets the second Friday of each month (except July and August) at 8:00 PM. Meetings are held at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 140 Trenton Rd., Fairless Hills, PA.Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month (except July and August) @ 8:00 PM
Tuscarora Lapidary Society – Brookhaven, Pennsylvania
The Tuscarora Lapidary Society is a non-profit educational corporation organized to encourage and teach the science and art of lapidary, as well as the arts and sciences associated with lapidary interests.
Meetings are held at the Springfield Township Municipal Building, 50 Powell Rd., Springfield, PA.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month (except January, February, and August) @ 7:00 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Rhode Island
Rhode Island Mineral Hunters – Woonsocket, Rhode Island
The Rhode Island Mineral Hunters is a non-profit organization dedicated to the appreciation and study of minerals, crystals, fossils, and all aspects of the Earth Sciences.
Meetings are held in Room 1130 at the Community College of Rhode Island, 400 East Ave., Warwick, RI.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month (except January, February, and August) @ 7:00 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of South Carolina
Aiken Gem, Mineral and Fossil Society – Aiken, South Carolina
The purpose of the Aiken Gem, Mineral and Fossil Society is to stimulate interest in the collection of gem, fossil and mineral materials; to impart knowledge of lapidary work, mineralogy, collecting and classification of minerals; and the application in the art so greater pleasure may be derived from these activities.
Meetings are held in Room 200 at the Science Building on the USCA campus, 471 University Parkway, Aiken, SC.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – THE HOUND\’S HOWL
Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Columbia Gem & Mineral Society – Columbia, South Carolina
Meetings are held at the McKissick\’s Museum Auditorium on the USC campus, 816 Bull St., Columbia, SC.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – Columbia Gem And Mineral Society
Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Emerald City Rock and Gem Club – Greenwood, South Carolina
The mission of the Emerald City Rock and Gem Club is to promote rock hounding, earth science and the lapidary arts.
The club meets the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM. Meetings are held at the Greenwood Museum, 106 Main St., Greenwood, SC.Monthly Meetings – First Saturday of each month @ 10:00 AM
Lowcountry Gem and Mineral Society – Charleston, South Carolina
The purpose of the Lowcountry Gem and Mineral Society is to foster the interest in and to facilitate the study of gems, minerals, fossils, and other related fields of geology and earth sciences throughout the Lowcountry.
Meetings are held at the Ashley River Fire Department, 8045 Dorchester Rd., North Charleston, SC.Annual Show – May
Newsletter – Lowcountry Diggings
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Pendleton District Gem & Mineral Society – Pendleton, South Carolina
Meetings are held at the Hayden Conference Center in the Botanical Gardens on the Clemson University Campus, in Clemson, SC.Newsletter – Precious Metal Clay Technique
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Western South Carolina Gem and Mineral Society – Greenville, South Carolina
The purpose of the Western South Carolina Gem and Mineral Society is to promote the study and enjoyment of all fields related to gems, mineral and earth science.
The society meets the second Monday of each month at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held at Northside United Methodist Church, 435 Summit St., Greenville, SC.Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of South Dakota
Coteau Des Plaines Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. – Watertown, South Dakota
The Coteau Des Plaines Gem & Mineral Society, Inc., was formed to promote interest and education in geology, mineralogy, paleontology, archaeology, lapidary, and to sponsor and provide means of coordinating the work and efforts of groups and individuals interested in these fields.
The society meets the third Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Watertown Regional Library,160 6th St. NE, Watertown, SD.Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Lewis & Clark Gem & Mineral Society – Armour, South Dakota
Meetings are held at the Yankton Community Library, 515 Walnut St., Yankton, SD.Annual Show – April
Monthly Meetings – Second Sunday of each month (from December to April) @ 1:00 PM
Sioux Empire Gem and Mineral Society – Sioux Falls, South Dakota
The Sioux Empire Gem and Mineral Society is a nonprofit, educational \”family friendly\” club that gets together to share their knowledge about the earth sciences, fossil identification, rock collecting, lapidary and other related topics.
Meetings are held in Room 101 in the Gilbert Science Center at Augustana College, in Sioux Falls, SD.Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month (except July, August and December) @ 7:00 PM
Western Dakota Gem & Mineral Society – Rapid City, South Dakota
The purpose of the Western Dakota Gem & Mineral Society is to promote interest and education in geology, mineralogy, paleontology, archaeology, and lapidary, to sponsor and provide means of coordination the work efforts of groups and individuals in these science fields.
Meetings are held at Canyon Lake Senior Citizens\’ Center, 2900 Canyon Lake Dr., Rapid City, SD.Newsletter – The Ammonite
Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Tennessee
Chattanooga Geology Club – Chattanooga, Tennessee
Meetings are held in 206 Grote Hall on the campus of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN.Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Kingsport Gems & Minerals Society – Kingsport, Tennessee
The society meets the third Monday of each month at 6:30 PM. Meetings are held at the Eastman Toy F. Reid Employee Center, 400 S. Wilcox Dr., Kingsport, TN.Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society – Knoxville, Tennessee
The Knoxville Gem and Mineral Society are a group of individuals interested in gems, minerals, the lapidary arts, and fossils.
Meetings are held at Pellissipi State University, in Knoxville, TN.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society – Memphis, Tennessee
The objectives of Memphis Archaeological and Geological Society are to promote an active interest in the geological finds and data by scientific methods; to offer possible assistance to any archaeologist or geologist in the general area covered by the work and purposes of this society; and to publicize and create further public interest in the archaeological and geological field in the general area of the Mid-South and conduct means of displaying, publishing and conducting public forms for scientific and educational purposes.
Meetings are held at Shady Grove Presbyterian Church, 5530 Shady Grove Rd., Memphis, TN.
Newsletter – MAGS Rockhound News
Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Mid-Tennessee Gem & Mineral Society, Inc – Murfreesboro, Tennessee
The Mid-Tennessee Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational society dedicated to the study and enjoyment of the earth sciences.
Meetings are held at the Shoney\’s Restaurant (615-890-6895) 1950 S Church St, Murfreesboro, TN 37130Annual Show – December
Newsletter – The Society Messenger
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Mid-Tennessee Gem & Mineral Society, Inc – Nashville, Tennessee
The Mid-Tennessee Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational society dedicated to the study and enjoyment of the earth sciences.
Meetings are held at the FiftyForward Donelson Station, 108 Donelson Pike, Nashville, TN.Annual Show – December
Newsletter – The Society Messenger
Monthly Meetings – The fourth Sunday of each month @ 3:00 PM – Junior Rockhound (ages 6 and up) meeting held The fourth Sunday of each month @ 3:00 PM (same time as the adult meeting)
Mid-Tennessee Gem & Mineral Society, Inc- Tullahoma, Tennessee
The Mid-Tennessee Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational society dedicated to the study and enjoyment of the earth sciences.
Meetings are held at the Tullahoma Central Library located on Collins Street.Annual Show – December
Newsletter – The Society Messenger
Monthly Meetings – The second Sunday of each month @ 3:00 PM
Middle Tennessee Rockhounds – Nashville, Tennessee
The Middle Tennessee Rockhounds is a group of individuals who share common interests in collecting and working with gems, minerals, jewelry, geology, and fossils.
Meetings are held at the Church of the Advent Episcopal, 5501 Franklin Rd., Nashville, TN.Annual Show – December
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Tennessee Valley Rock & Mineral Club – Hixson, Tennessee
The club meets the second Tuesday of each month (except July and December) at 7:30 PM. Meetings are held at the Stuart Heights Baptist Church, 1505 Cloverdale Dr., Hixson, TN.Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month (except July and December) @ 7:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Texas
Arlington Gem and Mineral Club – Arlington, Texas
The Arlington Gem and Mineral Club is dedicated to encouraging the study of earth sciences, lapidary arts, and other related fields, and to promoting the sharing of knowledge and skills with others.
Meetings are held at 1408 Gibbins St., Arlington, TX.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – The Aollnd\’s Tale
Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Austin Gem and Mineral Society – Austin, Texas
The objectives of the Austin Gem and Mineral Society are to assist and encourage members and others in the study and enjoyment of the earth sciences and lapidary arts; to conduct field trips, meetings and lectures; to provide educational exhibits and displays; to hold an annual public show; and to support worthwhile projects associated with the earth sciences sponsored by local or national organizations.
Meetings are held at 6719 Burnet Lane, Austin, TX.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Thursday of each month (except November and December) @ 7:00 PM
Big Spring Prospectors Club – Big Spring, Texas
The club meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at 606 E. 3rd St., Big Spring, TX.Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Central Texas Gem & Mineral Society – Abilene, Texas
The Central Texas Gem & Mineral Society is a non-profit rockhound club. Their purpose is to teach lapidary skills, promote the rockhound hobby and most of all HAVE FUN.
The society meets the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the society\’s clubhouse, 7607 Highway 277 S., Abilene, TX.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – THE INFORMER
Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Chihuahuan Desert Gem & Mineral Club – Alpine, Texas
The Chihuahuan Desert Gem & Mineral Club is organized to promote education and share our interest in the various earth sciences.
The club meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Cowboy Grill, 2700 Hwy 90 W., Alpine, TX.Annual Show – April
Monthly Meetings – Second Saturday of each month @ 6:00 PM
Clear Lake Gem and Mineral Society – Houston, Texas
The purpose of the Clear Lake Gem and Mineral Society is to promote education and popular interest in the various earth sciences; in particular in those hobbies dealing with the art of lapidaries and the science of minerals, fossils and their associated fields.
Meetings are held at the Clear Lake Park Bldg., 5001 NASA Parkway, Seabrook, TX.Annual Show – February
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Dallas Gem and Mineral Society – Dallas, Texas
The Dallas Gem and Mineral Society is organized to promote interest, knowledge and skill in the lapidary arts and in the art of metal working; embodying the use of polished gems and minerals when appropriate; interest in the collection and study of rocks and minerals, to increase knowledge of geology and related earth sciences, including the holding of an annual show; fellowship and cooperation; the sharing of common interests; and a better understanding of the activities of the members.
Meetings are held in Room 2.902 of the Research and Operations Center (ROC) on the University of Texas campus, in Richardson, TX.Annual Show – September
Newsletter – Rok Tok
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Dallas Paleontological Society – Dallas, Texas
The Dallas Paleontological Society was founded for the purpose of promoting interest in and knowledge of the science of paleontology. It was intended by the founding members that the Society would be a network for the exchange of data between professionals and serious amateurs in this field.
Meetings are held at the Ellison Miles Geotechnology Institute at Brookhaven College, 3939 Valley View Lane, Dallas, TX.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
East Texas Gem & Mineral Society – Tyler, Texas
The society meets the first Monday of each month at 6:45 PM. Meetings are held at the The Discovery Science Place, in Tyler, TX.Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month @ 6:45 PM
Newsletter – Rock N Rose
Annual Show – January
El Paso Mineral & Gem Society – El Paso, Texas
The El Paso Mineral and Gem Society are a group of people with an interest in minerals and other geological materials. They encourage mineral study, collecting, displaying and fashioning what they find as a hobby.
Meetings are held at 1800 Byron St., El Paso, TX.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – THE VOICE
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Fort Worth Gem & Mineral Club – Fort Worth, Texas
The purpose of the Fort Worth Gem & Mineral Club is to delve into the study of geology, mineralogy, and the lapidary arts. They also strive to stimulate interest in the searching and collecting of minerals and fossils.
Meetings are held at 3545 Bryan Ave., Fort Worth, TX.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Newsletter – THE Cowtown Cutter
Fredericksburg Rockhounds – Fredericksburg, Texas
The Fredericksburg Rockhounds is a non-profit organization founded for the study and enjoyment of gems, minerals, and fossils
Meetings are held at the Golden Hub Senior Center, 1009 N. Lincoln, Fredericksburg, TX.Annual Show – January
Newsletter – Fredericksburg Rockhounds
Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month (except June) @ 7:00 PM
Geological Society of San Antonio – San Antonio, Texas
The society meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM. Meetings are held at the San Pedro Event Center, 9926 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio, TX.Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Golden Spread Gem & Mineral Society – Amarillo, Texas
The Golden Spread Gem & Mineral Society is a non-profit group dedicated to educating and promoting gems, fossils, and minerals in the greater Texas Panhandle area.
Meetings are held at the Canyons Retirement Community, 2200 SW 7th Ave., Amarillo, TX.Monthly Meetings – Last Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Gulf Coast Gem & Mineral Society – Corpus Christi, Texas
The purpose of the Gulf Coast Gem & Mineral Society is to promote popular interest and education in the various earth sciences, in particular those dealing with the art of lapidaries and the science of minerals, fossils, and their associated fields. The society encourages study in these subjects through presentation of public exhibits, field trips for exploration, study and collection of specimens, the presentation of lectures, illustrated programs, demonstrations, and similar programs.
The society meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. From September – May, meetings are held in the Watergarden Room of the Corpus Christi Museum of Science & History, 1900 North Chaparral, Corpus Christi, TX. From June – August, meetings are held at the society\’s lapidary shop, 3933 North Timon Blvd., Corpus Christi, TX.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – Salbs & Cabs
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Hi-Plains Gem and Mineral Society – Plainview, Texas
Meetings are held in the Moody Science building on the campus of Wayland Baptist University, in Plainview, TX.
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Highland Lakes Gem and Mineral Club – Kingsland, Texas
The purpose of the Highland Lakes Gem and Mineral Club shall be to promote interest and education in the various earth sciences and their related hobbies in the lapidary arts.
The club meets the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 AM. Meetings are held in the lower hall of the Marble Falls Church of Christ, 711 Broadway, Marble Falls, TX.Monthly Meetings – Second Saturday of each month @ 10:00 AM
Houston Gem and Mineral Society – Houston, Texas
The Houston Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to study in the areas of earth science and related fields and arts. A major focus of the HGMS is education. Through classes offered at the clubhouse and through their scholarship fund, the HGMS encourages its individuals and groups to better their knowledge and understanding in these areas.
Meetings are held at 10805 Brooklet Dr., Houston, TX.Annual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Lockheed Martin Recreation Association Rockhounds – Fort Worth, Texas
Meetings are held at the Lockheed Martin Recreation Area, 3400 Bryant Irvin Rd., Fort Worth, TX.Annual Show – December
Newsletter –
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Lubbock Gem and Mineral Society – Lubbock, Texas
The purpose of the Lubbock Gem and Mineral Society is to bring about a closer association of those persons interested in the Earth Sciences and Lapidary Arts; to increase and disseminate knowledge about rocks, minerals, fossils and other geological materials; to encourage the study of rocks, minerals, fossils, artifacts, collecting and lapidary work and to conduct meetings, lectures, displays and field trips.
Meetings are held at Forrest Heights United Methodist Church, 3007 33rd St., Lubbock, TX.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – The Rockytier
Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Midland Gem & Mineral Society – Midland, Texas
The Midland Gem & Mineral Society was organized by several geologists with a vision to share the wonders of our geological history with others and stimulate greater interest within the community about the wonders of the earth.
Meetings are held at the Sibley Learning Center, 1307 E. Wadley Ave., Midland, TX.Annual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Oak Cliff Gem and Mineral Society – Dallas, Texas
Meetings are held at the South Hampton Community Hospital, 2929 S. Hampton Rd., Dallas, TX.Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Paleontological Society of Austin – Austin, Texas
The Paleontological Society of Austin is a scientific, non-profit community-based organization devoted to the study of fossils.
Meetings are held at the Austin Gem and Mineral Society, 6719 Burnet Lane, Austin, TX.Annual Show – December
Newsletter – Paleo Footnotes
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Pine Country Gem & Mineral Society – Jasper, Texas
The Pine Country Gem & Mineral Society is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to further and promote interest and education in the various earth sciences and the lapidary arts.
Meetings are held at the Society Clubhouse, 110 North Zavalla St., Jasper, TX.Annual Show – August
Newsletter – The Pineywoods Rooter
Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Piney Woods Gem & Mineral Society – Huntsville, Texas
Meetings are held at the Carriage Inn, 2805 Lake Rd., Huntsville, TX.Monthly Meetings – Fourth Wednesday of each month (except December) @ 7:00 PM
Pleasant Oaks Gem and Mineral Club of Dallas – Dallas, Texas
The Pleasant Oaks Gem and Mineral Club of Dallas is organized to promote interest in the various earth sciences, in particular those areas dealing with the science of gems, minerals and fossils, the art of cutting and polishing gemstones, metal crafts, jewelry arts, and all related fields.
Meetings are held at the Garland Women\’s Activity Building, 713 Austin St., Garland, TX.Newsletter – Chips and Chatter
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Southwest Gem & Mineral Society – San Antonio, Texas
The Southwest Gem & Mineral Society of San Antonio Texas, is organized to promote the exchange of knowledge and information in the earth sciences, the collection of minerals, fossils, and artifacts, an interest in lapidary art skills, and to cultivate fellowship among those interested in such endeavors.
Meetings are held at St. Paul\’s Episcopal Church, 1018 E. Grayson St., San Antonio, TX.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – Southwest Gem and Mineral Society Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month (except October and December) @ 6:15 PM
Texoma Rockhounds Inc – Denison, Texas
Meetings are held at the Wesley Village Retirement Community, 2800 Loy Lake Rd., Denison, TX.Annual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Tri-City Gem and Mineral Society – Temple, Texas
The purpose of the Tri-City Gem and Mineral Society is to promote good will and understanding of the various precepts of the earth sciences and lapidary arts and for the mutual understanding and fellowship of those individuals interested in these arts and sciences.
P. O. Box 1663, Temple, Texas 76501
Meeting every second Tuesday of the month at Miller Heights Baptist Church Fellowship hall 1400 S. Wall St. Belton, Texas 6:30 PM
Gem and Mineral Show – OctoberMonthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Victoria Gem & Mineral Society – Victoria, Texas
The purpose of the Victoria Gem & Mineral Society is to promote education and share their interest in the various earth sciences.
Meetings are held at the Victoria Art League, 905 S. Bridge St., Victoria, TX.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Slab Gab
Monthly Meetings – First Friday of each month (except July) @ 7:00 PM
Waco Gem and Mineral Club – Waco, Texas
The Waco Gem and Mineral Club is a central Texas club open to anyone interested in minerals, mineral collecting, gems, fossils, jewelry making, and lapidary crafts. Club activities include presentations by club members and invited speakers at monthly meetings, field trips to collect minerals or fossils, and an annual gem and mineral show. To promote an interest in minerals and fossils, the club also sponsors talks at local schools.
Meetings are held in the Whitehall Center of the Carleen Bright Arboretum, 9001 Bosque Blvd., Woodway, TX.Annual Show – May
Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Williamson County Gem & Mineral Society – Georgetown, Texas
The Williamson County Gem & Mineral Society was formed to promote interest and enjoyment in the earth sciences, including minerals, gemstones, lapidary work, metalcraft, fossils and jewelry.
Meetings are held at Friendy Connections, 4134 Williams Dr., Georgetown, TX.Annual Show – February
Newsletter – Pickin\’s And Diggin\’s Williamson County Gem And Mineral Society
Monthly Meetings – Second Sunday of each month @ 2:00 PM
Wise County Fossil, Rock and Mineral Society – Decatur, Texas
The society meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Meetings are held at the Wesley Center Building, 200 E. Main St., Decatur, TX.Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Utah
Beehive Rock and Gem Club – Ogden, Utah
The objectives of the Beehive Rock and Gem Club are to stimulate interest in the collection of rocks, minerals, gem materials, and legal fossils; to discuss and impart knowledge of the different phases of collecting, cutting, polishing and displaying them; and to organize educational meetings, field trips and similar events while enjoying and protecting natural resources.Beehive Rock And Gem Club Bylaws
Meetings are held at the Roy City Office Building, Multi-purpose room, 5051 South 1900 West, Roy, UT. Entrance is in the back of the building on the lower level.Monthly Meetings – Fourth Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM. Exceptions: Meeting date changed in November if it conflicts with Thanksgiving. No meeting held in December.
Cache Gem and Mineral Club- Logan, Utah
The objectives of the Cache Geological & Archeological Society are to stimulate interest in geological & archeological areas, which includes field trips and onhands instruction, the collection of rocks, minerals, gem materials, as well as legal fossils; and to discuss and share knowledge of the different phases that the group chooses to focus in the quest for education.
Meetings are held in Room 101 (Jim Bridger Room) of the Logan City Library, 255 N. Main St., Logan, UT.Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Color Country Gem & Mineral Society, Inc. – Panguitch, Utah
The society meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held in the Senior Citizens Room of the Garfield County Courthouse, 55 S. Main St., Panguitch, UT.Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Dinosaurland Rock & Mineral Society Inc. – Vernal, Utah
Meetings are held at 497 S. Vernal Ave., Vernal, UT.Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Golden Spike Gem & Mineral Society – Ogden, Utah
Meetings are held in the Dumke Room at Union Station, 2501 Wall Ave., Ogden, UT.Annual Show – April
Monthly Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month (except April, August and December) @ 7:00 PM
Mineral Collectors of Utah – Salt Lake City, Utah
The Mineral Collectors of Utah are a non-profit organization interested in sharing their enthusiasm and experience related to rock, mineral, and fossil collecting.
Meetings are held in Room 375 (3rd Floor) in the Sutton Building.
University of Utah Campus
115 South 1460 East, SLC, 84112Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Last Wednesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Moab Rock Club – Moab, Utah
The club meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at Grand Center, 182 North 500 W., Moab, UT.Monthly Meetings – Third Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Southern Utah Rock Club – Cedar City, Utah
The Southern Utah Rock Club brings together people who share a common passion for rocks, minerals and jewelry making from southern Utah and surrounding areas. They offer monthly rock hounding expeditions, a club owned and operated lapidary shop, and the vast wealth of local knowledge and expertise of their 100+ membership.
Meetings are held in Meeting Room #2 of the Cedar City Aquatic Center, 2090 W. Royal Hunte Dr., Cedar City, UT.Newsletter – Southern Utah Rock Club
Monthly Meetings – First Wednesday of each month @ 6:00 PM
Timpanogos Gem & Mineral Society – Provo, Utah
The Timpanogos Gem & Mineral Society is a non-profit organization of people who are interested in the general fields of Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology. They actively collect various types of rocks, minerals and invertebrate fossils. Some collect for the display of specimens, other to cut, polish or facet suitable rocks and minerals, which are often fashioned into beautiful silver & gold jewelry.
Meetings are held at the Eldred Senior Center, 270 West 500 N., Provo, UT.Annual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – Last Wednesday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 7:00 PM
Tooele Gem & Mineral Society – Tooele, Utah
The Tooele Gem & Mineral Society is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to promoting and teaching the art and education of rockhounding, lapidary, jewelry making, etc.
Meetings are held at the Tooele County Senior Citizens Center, 59 East Vine St., Tooele, UT.Annual Show – September
Newsletter – Strata Gem
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month (except July) @ 7:30 PM
Wasatch Gem and Mineral Society – Salt Lake City, Utah
The objectives of the Wasatch Gem and Mineral Society are to stimulate interest in the collecting and cutting of gem materials of lapidary and related arts, and in the identification of stones and their origin;to promote the association of people with the same subject in common; to swap materials, ideas, and knowledge of gem materials and locations; and to display gems and gem materials, showing work accomplished by members.
Meetings are held at Bicentennial Hall, 530 East 8680 S., Sandy, UT.Annual Show – May
Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Vermont
Burlington Gem and Mineral Club – Burlington, Vermont
The Burlington Gem and Mineral Club is a northern Vermont club open to anyone interested in minerals, mineral collecting, gems, fossils, and lapidary crafts. Club activities include presentations by club members and invited speakers at monthly meetings, field trips to collect minerals or fossils, and an annual gem, mineral and fossil show held each July. To promote an interest in minerals, the club also sponsors talks at local schools.
Meetings are held at the Community Lutheran Church, 1560 Williston Rd., South Burlington, VT.Annual Show – July
Monthly Meetings – Last Thursday of each month (except July, November and December) @ 7:00 PM
Mineralogical Society of Brattleboro – Brattleboro, Vermont
Meetings are held at the Brooks Memorial Library,in Brattleboro, VT.Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 6:00 PM
Rutland Rock and Mineral Club – Rutland, Vermont
The Rutland Rock and Mineral Club is an active group of people united by a common interest in crystals, gems, lapidary and fossils.
Meetings are held in the basement community center at Haven Health Center, 56 Nichols St., Rutland, VT.Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month (except July, August, January and February) @ 7:00 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Virginia
Gem & Mineral Society of Lynchburg – Lynchburg, Virginia
The Gem & Mineral Society of Lynchburg promotes, educates and encourages interest in geology, mineralogy, lapidary arts and related sciences.
Meetings are held at the Lynchburg Parks and Recreation Building, 301 Grove St., Lynchburg, VA.Annual Show – July
Monthly Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Gem and Mineral Society of the Virginia Peninsula – Hampton, Virginia
The purpose of the Gem and Mineral Society of the Virginia Peninsula is to facilitate the exchange of information and general cooperation between its members by promoting the study of lapidary techniques, mineralogy, paleontology, and allied fields of Earth sciences: to provide the community with a knowledge of the hobby through lectures, demonstrations, and exhibitions; and to enjoy good fellowship.
Meetings are held at Sandy Bottom Nature Park, in Hampton, VA.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – The Virginia Pen
Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month (except June and December) @ 7:00 PM
Micromineralogists of the National Capital Area – Fairfax, Virginia
The Micromineralogists of the National Capital Area are a mineralogy group of like minded individuals who like tiny crystals.
Meetings are held at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Rd., Arlington, VA.Annual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Northern Virginia Mineral Club – Alexandria, Virginia
The Northern Virginia Mineral Club promotes, educates and encourages interest in geology, mineralogy, lapidary arts and related sciences.
Meetings are held at Long Branch Nature Center, 625 S. Carlin Springs Rd., Arlington, VA.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – The Mineral Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Monday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:45 PM
Richmond Gem and Mineral Society – Richmond, Virginia
The Richmond Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit organization, whose goal is to foster knowledge and education in geology, mineralogy, paleontology, archeology, gemology, and the lapidary arts.
Meetings are held at Ridge Baptist Church, 1515 Eastridge Rd., Richmond, VA.Annual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Roanoke Valley Rock & Gem Society – Roanoke, Virginia
The objects of the Roanoke Valley Rock & Gem Society shall be educational and recreational to be developed through associations, meetings, field trips, exhibitions, and projects.
Meetings are held at the O. Winston Link Museum, 110 Salem Ave. SE, Roanoke, VA.Annual Show – November
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society – Waynesboro, Virginia
The Shenandoah Valley Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit organization which strives to promote education in and appreciation of minerals, fossils, archaeology, general geology, and the lapidary arts. They provide opportunities for collection, exchange, discussion, and exhibition of specimens and mineral material.
Meetings are held at the Waynesboro Church of the Brethren, 364 Bridge St., Waynesboro, VA.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Tidewater Gem & Mineral Society – Virginia Beach, Virginia
The purpose of the Tidewater Gem & Mineral Society is to encourage interest and study in geology, mineralogy, lapidary, and allied earth sciences.
Meetings are held at Saint Luke\’s United Methodist Church, 3396 Stoneshore Rd., Virginia Beach, VA.Annual Show – July
Newsletter – The Tidewater Prospector
Monthly Meetings – Third Friday of each month (except December) @ 7:00 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Washington
Bedrock Prospectors Club – Puyallup, Washington
The Bedrock Prospectors Club was organized by men and women interested in small scale mining and prospecting for gold and other precious minerals and gems. It has also been the predominent Northwest club involved with organizing some of the most important mining rallies in recent years. The club is involved in many ways, including lobbying, to preserve the rights to mining, as granted by the \”Mining Act of 1872\”.
Meetings are held at the Puyallup Masonic Hall, 1005 W. Pioneer, Puyallup, WA.Annual Show – June
Newsletter – Bed Rock News
Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Bellevue Rock Club, Inc. – Bellevue, Washington
The mission of the Bellevue Rock Club, Inc. is to foster, promote and develop the interests and education of their members and others in geology, mineralogy, lapidary, gemology and related sciences and subjects and in the pursuit of such as a hobby for social, recreational and educational purposes.
Meetings are held at the Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 14230 Southeast Newport Way, Bellevue, WA.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Cascade Mineralogical Society – Kent, Washington
The objective of the Cascade Mineralogical Society is to stimulate interest in the study of the earth sciences, lapidary arts and related subjects. This is accomplished through presentations and demonstrations at club meetings and educational institutions. The society also provides opportunities for field trips, rock collecting, social gatherings at picnics, parties, and regular meetings.
Meetings are held at the American Legion Hall, 25406 97th Place S., Kent, WA.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – The CMS Tumbler
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Chief Joseph Gem & Mineral Club – Omak, Washington
Meetings are held at the Elkâ?Ts Club, 110 S. Ash, Omak, WA.Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Clallam County Gem and Mineral Association – Sequim, Washington
The Clallam County Gem and Mineral Association is a nonprofit corporation organized for the purpose of creating, developing, and encouraging interest in the rock, gem, and mineral hobbies as well as locating and identifying various material through field trips.
Meetings are held at The Fifth Avenue, 500 Hendrickson Rd., Sequim, WA.Annual Show – September
Newsletter – Ore-Bits
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month (except July and December) @ 7:00 PM
Clallam County Gem & Mineral Society – Port Angeles, Washington
The Clallam County Gem & Mineral Society is a non-profit community service organization dedicated to education, personal enjoyment of the earth sciences and the outdoors through lapidary, fossil hunting, geology, archeology and paleontology.
Meetings are held at the Port Angeles branch of the North Olympic Library Systems, 2210 S. Peabody St., Port Angeles, WA.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
East KingCo Rock Club – Redmond, Washington
The East KingCo Rock Club is dedicated to the promotion and enjoyment of geological and natural science, rock collecting and lapidary arts.
Meetings are held at the Juanita Community Club, 13027 100th Ave. NE., Kirkland, WA.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – East KingCo Rock Club
Monthly Meetings – Third Friday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Everett Rock & Gem Club – Everett, Washington
The objectives of the Everett Rock & Gem Club are to bring together persons who have chosen, as their hobby, the collection of rocks, fossils, minerals and gemstones, the practice of lapidary art, jewelry making, and to encourage members in the pursuit of their hobby and the study of related earth science.
Meetings are held at the Everett United Church of Christ, 2624 Rockefeller Ave., Everett, WA.Annual Show – June
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month (except December) @ 7:00 PM
Federal Way Gem & Mineral Club – Federal Way, Washington
Meetings are held at Totem Jr. High School Library, 26630 S. 40th Ave., Federal Way, WA.Monthly Meetings – Third Friday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Fort Lewis Rock Club – Fort Lewis, Washington
Meetings are held at The Arts & Crafts Center, Bldg #5038, Fort Lewis, WA.Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Ginkgo Mineral Society – Wenatchee, Washington
The objectives of the Ginkgo Mineral Society are to bring together persons who have chosen, as their hobby, the collection of rocks, fossils, minerals and gemstones, the practice of lapidary art, jewelry making, and to encourage members in the pursuit of their hobby and the study of related earth science.
The society meets the third Saturday of each month, from October to April, at Clearwater Steakhouse 838 Valley Mall Parkway, East Wenatchee and the third Tuesday of each month, from May to September, at 7:00 PM. From October to April, meetings are held at the Douglas County Fire Station, 377 Eastmont Ave., East Wenatchee, WA; From May to September, meetings are held at the Eagles Lodge, 1208 Wenatchee Ave., Wenatchee, WA.Newsletter – The Petrified Digest
Monthly Meetings – Third Saturday of each month, from October to April, @ 1:00 PM; Third Tuesday of each month, from May to September, @ 7:00 PM
Grays Harbor Geology & Gem Society – Aberdeen, Washington
Meetings are held at the Pearsall Multi-Purpose Center, 2109 Summer Ave., Aberdeen, WA.Monthly Meetings – Third Friday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Issaquah Valley Rock Club – Issaquah, Washington
The Issaquah Valley Rock Club is a group of people who love ROCKS! The club seeks to bring together people of all ages who are interested in the study of earth science and collection and display of minerals, semi-precious gem stones and rocks. They have members from Bothell to Maple Valley to North Bend.
Meetings are held at the Issaquah Senior Center, 75 NE Creekway, Issaquah, WA.Monthly Meetings – Last Friday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 7:00 PM
Kitsap Mineral and Gem Society – Silverdale, Washington
The objectives of the Kitsap Mineral and Gem Society are to disseminate knowledge pertaining to the earth sciences; to sponsor regular meetings and field trips for the benefit of the membership; and to be helpful along these lines to one another.
Meetings are held at the Chico Alliance Church, 3670 Chico Way NW., Bremerton, WA.Newsletter – The Hard Rock News
Monthly Meetings – Second Friday of each month (except July, August and December) @ 7:00 PM
Lakeside Gem & Mineral Club – Kennewick, Washington
The purpose of the Lakeside Gem & Mineral Club is to promote activities of mutual interest for collecting and displaying of gems and minerals.
Meetings are held at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, 7305 W. 10th Ave., Kennewick, WA.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – The Geode
Monthly Meetings – First Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Maplewood Rock & Gem Club – Edmonds, Washington
The Maplewood Rock & Gem Club fosters community spirit by encouraging the exploration of lapidary arts and appreciation of the earth sciences of geology, fossils, minerals, and gem stones.
Meetings are held at the group\’s Clubhouse, 8802 196th St., Edmonds, WA.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – Maplewood Rock and Gem Club
Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Marcus Whitman Gem & Mineral Society – Walla Walla, Washington
The objective of the Marcus Whitman Gem & Mineral Society is to encourage the study of Earth through suitable programs, field trips and other educational activities.
Meetings are held at the Lion\’s Club Field House, in College Place, WA.Annual Show – September
Newsletter – The Rock Licker
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Marysville Rock & Gem Club, Inc. – Marysville, Washington
Meetings are held at the First Baptist Church Annex Room, in Marysville, WA.Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month (except July) @ 7:00 PM
Mount Baker Rock & Gem Club – Bellingham, Washington
The object of the Mount Baker Rock & Gem Club is to promote education and interest in the earth sciences, lapidary and related arts, and the joining together of people who share these interests.
Meetings are held at Bloedel Donovan Park, 2214 Electric Ave., Bellingham, WA.Annual Show – March
Newsletter – Rockhound Special
Monthly Meetings – Third Monday of each month (except August and December) @ 7:00 PM
North American Miners Association – Renton, Washington
The North American Miners Association is the oldest small scale mining organization in the state of Washington dedicated to stimulating interest and providing education on prospecting and mineral mining focusing on gold.
Meetings are held at the Denny\’s Resturant on 1246 North Central in Kent.Monthly Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
North Seattle Lapidary & Mineral Club – Seattle, Washington
The goal of the North Seattle Lapidary & Mineral Club is to promote geologic exploration, education and outreach.
Meetings are held at Northminster Presbyterian Church, 7706 25th Ave. NW., Seattle, WA.Annual Show – March
Monthly Meetings – Second Tuesday of each month (except December) @ 7:30 PM
Panorama Gem and Mineral Club – Arden, Washington
Meetings are held at the Arden Community Hall, in Arden, WA.Annual Show – End of March/beginning of April
Newsletter – The Panorama Prospector
Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Pend Oreille Rock & Gem Club – Newport, Washington
The objective of the Pend Oreille Rock & Gem Club is to unite and associate persons who are interested in the study of earth science, collection of minerals, semi-precious gem materials and for generally broadening their knowledge in these fields.
Meetings are held at the Newport Gun Club, in Newport, WA.Monthly Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Puyallup Valley Gem and Mineral Club – Puyallup, Washington
The Puyallup Valley Gem and Mineral Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to rock hounding and fellowship.
Meetings are held at Fruitland Grange Hall, 11102 86th Ave., Puyallup, WA.Annual Show – June
Newsletter – Rock-A-Teer
Monthly Meetings – Second and fourth Friday of each month (except August and December) @ 7:30 PM
Shelton Rock and Mineral Society – Shelton, Washington
The club meets the last Thursday of each month (except May, July and November) at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Shelton Christian Church, 105 Arcadia Ave., Shelton, WA.Annual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – Last Thursday of each month (except May, July and November) @ 7:00 PM
Southern Washington Mineralogical Society – Longview, Washington
Meetings are held at the Catlin Grange, 207 Shawnee St., N. Kelso, WA.Annual Show – October
Newsletter – Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Saturday of each month (except July and December) @ 7:00 PM
Spokane Rock Rollers – Spokane, Washington
The Spokane Rock Rollers hope to provide a little information on Mineral Clubs like the Spokane Rock Rollers Lapidary (Mineral) clubs promote popular interest and education in lapidary, the craft of working, forming and finishing stone, minerals and gemstones. These clubs sponsor and provide means for their members to engage in all forms of jewellery making, cabochon cutting and faceting, carving, glass beadmaking and craft work. The clubs also promote and facilitate healthy outdoor activities in the form of field trips to various fossicking locations for the purpose of collecting gemstones or mineral specimens.
Meetings are held at 9517 E.4th Ave., Spokane, WA.Annual Show – May
Newsletter – Rock Rollers Club, Inc.
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday day of each month @ 6:00 PM
Washington Agate and Mineral Society – Olympia, Washington
The Washington Agate and Mineral Society is one of the oldest clubs in the state of Washington. Members share a common interest in rocks, minerals and activities such as collecting and jewelry making.
Meetings are held at the First Baptist Church of Lacey, 4705 22nd Ave. SE., Lacey, WA.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – Washington Agate & Mineral Society Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
West Seattle Rock Club – Seattle, Washington
The purpose of the West Seattle Rock Club is to promote the study and enjoyment of the lapidary arts with good rockhounding and good fellowship; to further education and lapidary skills for all; to conduct field trips for exploration and collection of minerals, gems, rocks and fossils; to promote shows and displays; and to publish a monthly periodical relating to club activities.
Meetings are held at the Adams Hall of Tibbetts United Methodist Church, 3940 41st Ave. SW., W. Seattle, WA.Annual Show – November
Newsletter – West Seattle Petroglyphs
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Wednesday of each month (except July and December) @ 7:00 PM
Whidbey Island Gem Club – Oak Harbor, Washington
From wearing rocks as jewelry to connecting with another era through rocks transformed into arrowheads, rocks have a way of being artistic and compelling and the Whidbey Island Gem Club wants to show the community how incredible rocks can be.
The club meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Oak Harbor Senior Center, 51 Southeast Jerome Street, Oak Harbor, WA.Monthly Meetings – First Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Whidbey Pebble Pushers – Langley, Washington
The group meets the first Wednesday of each month (except July, August and September) at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at Deer Lagoon Grange Hall, 5147 Bayview Rd., Langley, WA.Monthly Meetings – First Wednesday of each month (except July, August and September) @ 7:00 PM
Yakima Rock & Mineral Club – Yakima, Washington
The Yakima Rock and Mineral Club tries to keep members informed of what is happening in the club, and to keep interest going in the earth sciences, including rocks and minerals.
Meetings are held at the Central Lutheran Council Church, 1604 W Yakima Ave., Yakima, WA.Monthly Meetings – Third Friday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of West Virginia
West Virginia Fossil Club – Clarksburg, West Virginia
For over twelve years, the West Virginia Fossil Club has encouraged West Virginians to share in the excitement of fossils and fossil collecting.
Meetings are held at Eat \’n Park, 400 Tolley Dr., Bridgeport, WV.Newsletter – Newsletter
Monthly Meetings – First Friday of each month (except December, January and February) @ 7:00 PM
West Virginia Fossil Club – Charleston, West Virginia
Meetings held at the Rock Lake Presbyterian Church (lower level)Annual Show – October
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Sunday 2-5pm
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Wisconsin
Badger Lapidary & Geological Society – Monroe, Wisconsin
The Badger Lapidary & Geological Society was created to stimulate the interest of its members and the general public in the study of Mineralogy, Geology, Paleontology, and Archaeology.
Meetings are held on the second floor of the Monroe Public Library, 925 16th Ave., Monroe, WI.Annual Show – March
Monthly Meetings –Second Saturday of each month (except July and August) @ 9:45 AM
Chippewa Valley Gem & Mineral Society – Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Meetings are held at South Middle School, 2115 Mitscher Ave., Eau Claire, WI.Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 7:00 PM
Coulee Rock Club – Monroe, Wisconsin
The Coulee Rock Club is a group of individuals who share a common love & interest in Rocks in all forms, shapes & sizes. They share their interests by going on various trips, digs & educational seminars.
Meetings are held in the Lang Conference Room at Franciscan Skemp Medical Center, 700 W. Avenue S., La Crosse, WI.Annual Show – November
Monthly Meetings –Second Sunday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 1:00 PM
Glacial Drifters Geologic Society – Plymouth, Wisconsin
Meetings are held at the Community Bank & Trust, 1160 Fond Du Lac Ave., Sheboygan Falls, WI.Annual Show – June
Monthly Meetings – First Tuesday of each month (except January and February) @ 7:00 PM
Heart of Wisconsin Gem & Mineral Society – Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
The Heart of Wisconsin Gem and Mineral Society is a non-profit club dedicated to promoting interest and education in earth science and lapidary art. The society\’s members are of all ages and occupations sharing a common interest in the mineral kingdom.
Meetings are held at the Park Lodge, 224 Park Ave., Junction City, WI except May and October. Meetings are held at 4613-A Camp Phillips Rd. Schofield, WI in May and October.Annual Show – May
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month (except June, July, August and December) @ 7:00 PM
Kettle Moraine Geological Society – Pewaukee, Wisconsin
The members of the Kettle Moraine Geological Society share the same interest in rocks and minerals, geology and earth science.
Meetings are held at the Village of Pewaukee Public Library, 210 Main St., Pewaukee, WI.Annual Show – April
Newsletter – The Opal
Monthly Meetings – Third Wednesday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 6:30 PM
Lakeland Gem Club – Minocqua, Wisconsin
The Lakeland Gem Club was founded to promote general interest in and education of Earth Sciences, Geology, and Mineralogy; to educate in the Art of Lapidary; to aid in Gem material and mineral identification; and for instruction in Geological Hobbies.
Meetings are held at United Methodist Church of the Pines, 415 Chippewa Ave., Minocqua, WI.Annual Show – July
Newsletter – BORN TO ROCK
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Madison Gem and Mineral Club – Madison, Wisconsin
The purpose of the Madison Gem and Mineral Club is to promote and encourage the study of mineralogy, lapidary arts, gemology, paleontology, and other allied fields.
Meetings are held in the AB20 Lecture Hall at Weeks Hall for Geological Sciences on the University of Wisconsin campus, 1215 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI.Newsletter – Madison Gem and Mineral Club
Monthly Meetings – Fourth Tuesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Neville Public Museum Geology Club – Green Bay, Wisconsin
The Neville Public Museum Geology Club is an active organization composed of people of many interests and capabilities â?\” teachers, retirees, geologists, hobbyists and others. It was organized at the request of interested people in the community seeking knowledge and direction in geology and related subjects.
Meetings are held at the Neville Public Museum, 210 Museum Pl., Green Bay, WI.Monthly Meetings – Fourth Wednesday of each month (except December) @ 7:00 PM
Northwest Wisconsin Gem & Mineral Society – Barron, Wisconsin
Meetings are held at the Barron County Courthouse, in Barron, WI.Monthly Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month (except January and February) @ 7:30 PM
Oshkosh Earth Science Club – Oshkosh, Wisconsin
The Oshkosh Earth Science Club is a non-profit club dedicated to promoting interest and education in earth science and lapidary art.
Meetings are held at the Evergreen Retirement Community, 1130 N Westfield St., Oshkosh, WI.Annual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – First Monday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Racine Geological Society – Racine, Wisconsin
Meetings are held at St Michael\’s Episcopal Church, 4701 Erie St., Racine, WI.Annual Show – September
Monthly Meetings – Second Thursday of each month (except June, July and August) @ 7:00 PM
Rock River Valley Geological Society – Johnson Creek, Wisconsin
Meetings are held at the Johnson Creek Library, 125 Lincoln St., Johnson Creek, WI.Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month (except January and July) @ 7:15 PM
Weis\’n\’Miners Geology Club – Menasha, Wisconsin
The Weis\’n\’Miners Geology Club is sponsored by the Weis Museum, and is for everyone interested in minerals, fossils, lapidary & jewelry-making, geology, archaeology, gems, metaphysics, and mining.
Meetings are held in the Emeritus Room at the University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley campus, Menasha, WI.Annual Show –March
Monthly Meetings – Last Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 PM
Wisconsin Geological Society, Inc. – West Allis, Wisconsin
The purpose of the Wisconsin Geological Society is to create an interest in the study of geology; to provide the means for the development of knowledge in geology; and to disseminate information concerning all phases of geology.
Meetings are held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 1212 S. 117th St., West Allis, WI.Annual Show – May
News Letter – BANS User Manual
Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month (except July and August) @ 7:30 PM
Rock and Gem Clubs in the state of Wyoming
Cheyenne Mineral & Gem Society – Cheyenne, Wyoming
Meetings are held at the IBEW Hall, 810 Fremont Ave., Cheyenne, WY.Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month (except June, July, August and December) @ 7:00 PM
Cody 59ers Rock Club – Cody, Wyoming
The club meets the fourth Friday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held in the EOC Room at the Park County Courthouse, 1002 Sheridan Ave., Cody, WY.Monthly Meetings – Fourth Friday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Natrona County Rockhounds – Mills, Wyoming
The group meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Mountain View addition of 5211 Rambler St., Mills, WY.Monthly Meetings – First Thursday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Rex Young Rock Club – Torrington, Wyoming
The club meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Meetings are held at the Senior Citizens Center, in Torrington, WY.Monthly Meetings – Second Wednesday of each month @ 7:00 PM
Riverton Gem & Mineral Society – Riverton, Wyoming
Meetings are held at the Riverton Senior Citizens Center, 303 E. Lincoln, Riverton, WY.Monthly Meetings – Second Monday of each month (except June, July, August, September and December) @ 7:30 PM
Shoshone Rock Club – Powell, Wyoming
Meetings are held at the Powell Library Clubroom, 217 E. 3rd, Powell, WY.Monthly Meetings – Third Friday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Sublette County Rock Hounds Club – Big Piney, Wyoming
Meets March–Dec usually on the 3rd Saturday at 1:00 PM. The Marbleton Senior Center on East 1st Street.Annual gem & mineral show the middle of June at the Sublette County Fairgrounds in Big Piney, Wyoming,Email:
International Clubs & Organizations of Note
Fluorescent Mineral Society
The Fluorscent Mineral Society is an international organization of professional mineralogists, gemologists, amateur collectors, and others who study and collect fluorescent minerals. The society was founded in 1971 and incorporated in 1993.The purpose of the FMS is to:
- Share knowledge and experience in collecting, identifying, and displaying minerals which exhibit various forms of luminescenceincluding fluorescence, phosphorescence, triboluminescence, and thermoluminescence.
- Organize seminars, research projects, displays, and exchanges of luminescent minerals, and to disseminate information about luminescent minerals.
- Encourage interests related to fluorescent minerals such as photography of fluorescent specimens, the study of other luminescent minerals, and the various uses of ultraviolet lights.
Country Specific Clubs & Organizations
North Brisbane Lapidary Club – Nundah, Queensland, Australia
How do you join?Come along to any workshop session at the clubroom located in Albert Bishop Park, Nudgee Road Nundah (near Schultz Canal). The entrance is off Nudgee Road. Telephone 32607025.
How old do I have to be? People from 12 to 112 years old can join the club. Your first session is look and see and is free. There is no obligation to join on your first visit.
What types of members do we have? Adult members, Junior members (12 to 17 years), Associates (not wishing to use the workshop facilities), Life members and Honorary Life members.
British Columbia Lapidary Society – Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
Welcome to the official website of the umbrella association for the rockhounding clubs of British Columbia, CanadaThe BCLS is a non-profit organization founded to encourage and promote the lapidary hobby in British Columbia. The organization consists of thirty charter member clubs, with a membership of approximately 1,500 people who collect rocks, minerals, crystals and fossils.
The Society presents an annual BC Gem & Mineral Show in April, which is well supported by clubs from across the province, plus numerous dealers from across North America.
The Society organizes two major field trips — the Annual Rockhound\’s Rendezvous in May each year to one of the affiliated clubs\’ areas, and the Summer Camp to explore a more remote region of the province.
Join us and experience a new way of looking at the Earth, and our place on it. Explore stunning backcountry areas, hunt rocks and minerals, learn to work and set gemstones. Expand your horizons, open your mind. It\’s an exciting place out there!