Association Française de Micromineralogie
Information for micromineral enthusists.
A micromount is a natural mineral specimen, preferably in distinct crystals, mounted, properly labeled, and requiring magnification for meaningful observation.
The MMNE was organized on November 8, 1966 for the purpose of promoting the study of minerals that require a microscope. See A Brief History by Janet Cares
As the name implies, we are unique, different from other mineral clubs, and try to emphasize this difference. Most of, but not all of, our members already have a basic knowledge of minerals and usually are members of one or more unspecialized mineral clubs. We try to restrict our programs, publish articles, and notices of other events to items relating to micromounting and to localities in or adjacent to New England. Occasionally we include classic micromounting localities such as Franklin, NJ; Tiptop Mine, SD; or Hagendorf, Germany preferably with MINERALOGY SIMILAR TO LOCAL MICROMOUNTING LOCALITIES.
We rely on our members to volunteer their time or expertise to help keep the club running smoothly. In return members get desirable giveaways at each meeting, and exchange specimens or information with others, often obtaining help in identification of unknowns. In May, members have the opportunity to hear a prominent speaker on a topic of value to micromounters, and may purchase good specimens at bargain prices. We try to keep dues and other expenses to a minimum in order that everyone may participate. See Thoughts on Micromounting by Pat Barker
Southern California Micro-Mineralogists
Micromounting: The microscopic minerals that we collect are usually mounted inside a small box measuring one inch on each side. These are called micromounts. The advantages of micromount and micro-mineral collecting include: a collection consisting of a large number of specimens can be assembled that takes up very little space; small mineral specimens are much more affordable; it is much easier to field collect specimens with small perfect crystals and many more field collecting opportunities are available; and some mineral species only exist as micro-crystals.