Books by Captain John Sinkankas

This article was originally published by in March, 2015

John Sinkankas’s lifelong fascination with rocks and minerals was his avocation during his 25-year career with the U.S. Navy. Since his retirement in 1961 with the rank of Captain, his name pops up everywhere in the world of gemology and mineralogy. A noted author, bibliophile, collector, artist, lapidary, gem-cutter, and historian, he has written and compiled fifteen books. His world-renowned reference book collection of more than 13,000 items was acquired by the Gemological Institute of America in 1988 for their Richard T. Liddicoat Library.”Captain Sinkankas passed away at his home in 2002, but his outstanding library will continue to educate people for years to come.

-Taken from “Gemstones of North America Vol. 3”

There is a reason most mineral dealers and collectors will immediately recommend these books! They are all extremely well written and are perfect for both the novice and the professional. We highly recommend every work that has been written by this man for anyone interested in Minerals. The beginner should ALWAYS start with a copy of “Mineralogy”, available for sale immediately below.

Captain John Sinkankas and his Wife, Marjory, standing in front of their San Diego home, February 1988. Photo by Vandall King
Captain John Sinkankas and his Wife, Marjory, standing in front of their San Diego home, February 1988.
Photo by Vandall King
Mineralogy by John Sinkankas Book Cover

Mineralogy (for Amatures)

by John Sinkankas

Hands down, the best book for everyone interested in the subject of minerals, crystals and gems. Lays out the basics of understand for the science and the physical crystals and locality information.


gemstone and mineral data book cover

Gemstone and Mineral Databook

by John Sinkankas

Amazing in depth answerbook to so many questions any mineral collector or lapidarist can come across! You NEED a copy of this book!


Gemstones of North America Vol 1 by John Sinkankas Book Cover

Gemstones of North America Vol 1.

by John Sinkankas

Stunningly jam packed with information. A great book! First volume has several color plates, second volume does not.


Gemstones of North America Vol 2 by John Sinkankas Book Cover

Gemstones of North America Vol 2

by John Sinkankas

Great text, tons of information, following Vol 1, a logical add-on.


Gemstones of North America Vol 3 by John Sinkankas Book Cover

Gemstones of North America Vol 3

by John Sinkankas

30 years after the original two volumes, this book gives a complete update to the new gems and productions around North America. A great book, all three are must haves!


prospecting for minerals field collecting gemstones book cover

Prospecting (Field collecting) for gemstones and minerals

by John Sinkankas

This book, in several chapters, goes over all of the basics of mineral collecting, tools, maps, prospecting, rock types, display. Essentially, it is the perfect FAQ for anyone who wants to go collect minerals.


Emeralds and other Beryls Book Cover

Emerald and other Beryls

by John Sinkankas

This is a thick book that covers emeralds and beryls, in both geologic terms and in fine appreciation of them and their history. Beautiful watercolor images.


Beryl book cover


by John Sinkankas and Peter G. Read

212 pages of Beryl information,a revised edition of the previous work.


Gemology Bibliography Book Cover

Gemology: An Annotated bibliography

by John Sinkankas

Amazing work, indexing works as far back as 1500 to 1985, one of the authors favorite and most ambitious works. This along with access to the books refrenced would lead to a complete guide to man’s understanding of minerals.


gemcutting lapidary's manual book cover

GemCutting: A Lapidary’s Manual

by John Sinkankas

One of Sinkanka’s passions was cutting stones, with his gemstone data book, it is sure that the man knew his facts, here he shares his techniques.


Books by Captain John Sinkankas