Exceptional Minerals

Welcome to Exceptional Minerals! I actually have two websites – The Mineral Gallery and Exceptional Minerals, and both are devoted to finding and offering the finest mineral specimens available on the Internet. Having studied both Geology and Graphic Design in college, I find minerals scientifically fascinating as well as artistically beautiful and attempt to take the most accurate, detailed photographs possible to capture this natural beauty for all to see. Many of these photographs have been used in magazines and publications over the years and this is something I take great pride in.The updates at Exceptional Minerals are many and often! They are comprised of mineral rooms categorised according to their specific mineral show. Updates from the Tucson Mineral Show and Denver Mineral Show appear alongside updates from smaller shows or collections. I invite everyone to e-mail me at kward(at)themineralgallery.com and ask to be added to my e-mailing list for website updates. In the meantime, please visit the website and browse through the latest offerings of fine mineral specimens.You might find something for your own collection.